I think the background of the attorney in THIS story should be carefully investigated..
House and Senate eliminate statute of limitations on sex crimes against children
By John Frank, Times/Herald Tallahassee Bureau Posted: Apr 26, 2010 08:09 PM
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TALLAHASSEE —Michael Dolce took 20 years to tell his story. And by then it was too late.
The neighbor who raped him at age 7 never saw a courtroom because the time limits to file a case expired.
"I was absolutely terrorized," the 41-year-old said. "And it took a long time to get to a place in recovery where I could even say the name of the man who did this to me."
Dolce began telling Florida lawmakers this story six years ago, and it was recounted one final time Monday as the House and Senate unanimously approved a measure to eliminate time limits for filing criminal and civil cases involving sex crimes involving children.
The effort met stiff resistance for years from a controversial player: the Catholic Church.
Even amid the widening sex abuse scandal concerning church clergy, the Florida Catholic Conference quietly worked behind the scenes this year to defeat the bill.
Mike McCarron, a lobbyist for the Catholic Conference, said the church does not want to limit criminal cases, but is concerned about the possibility of defending civil lawsuits seeking thousands of dollars in damages decades after incidents.
"There will be instances where the institution is not aware of any abuse and they will have to defend it anyway," McCarron said.
Given the timing, McCarron acknowledged the negative perception with the Catholic Church fighting the legislation. His group never testified against the effort, but sent letters to Senate President Jeff Atwater and sought to amend it.
"You don't want to look as if you don't care about children," he said. "We do care deeply about children.''
McCarron said the scandal is "the foremost concern" for the church, as demonstrated by the Vatican's recent actions. "You can look at what the church has done to protect children," he said.
Under current Florida law, a child who is a victim of certain sex crimes can only press criminal charges until age 21. The statute of limitations in a civil case against the perpetrator typically expires after age 25 and one against an institution four years after the incident.
The legislation (HB525) makes it easier for future victims to seek justice in a courtroom and recover damages. It eliminates restrictions for claims or criminal charges in cases involving victims between ages 12 and 15. Current law already has no statute of limitations for children younger than 12.
Gov. Charlie Crist said recently he would sign it into law.
"This is one of the major undone pieces in regard to the state addressing the needs of sexual violence victims," said Terri Poore, a lobbyist for the Florida Council Against Sexual Violence.
The bill won approval this year with help from victims like Dolce and Lauren Book-Lim, the 25-year-old daugther of lobbyist Ron Book.
Book-Lim, who recently completed a 500-mile walk from Miami to Tallahassee to raise awareness of the issue, was molested by her nanny as a child. Along the way, she said, she heard from numerous victims who were never able to confront the perpetrator or obtain retribution.
"There is no statute of limitations to a victim's suffering," she said after watching the unanimous votes in the House and Senate.
Dolce, a Royal Palm Beach attorney, watched too. Even though he told his painful story numerous times before as he pushed the bill for the past six years, hearing it get recounted once more on the Senate floor before the vote brought him to tears.
"I hope it gives others courage to come forward," he said.
John Frank can be reached at jfrank@sptimes.com or (850) 224-7263.[Last modified: Apr 26, 2010 08:09 PM] Click here to post a comment
There are 14 comments Oldest First Newest First Top Rated
FirstBorn wrote:
"The effort met stiff resistance for years from a controversial player: the Catholic Church."
How Surprising!!!
Apr 26, 2010 8:40 PM
3 1 Report Abuse
Boppy wrote:
I would think this law would be pertinent to those offenders who commit the illegal acts from the day it is signed into law. Those who are accused prior to this date of enactment would fall under the previous statutes of limitation laws.
Apr 26, 2010 8:55 PM
1 1 Report Abuse
Thorny wrote:
No dice Boppy. Post de Facto laws are all over the books. Besides none of this perverted behavior was ever legal in the first place.
Apr 26, 2010 9:04 PM
2 0 Report Abuse
Thorny wrote:
Opps I may have misspoke. I'm not familiar with the laws in vatican city.
Apr 26, 2010 9:08 PM
2 0 Report Abuse
Bobb-E wrote:
"You don't want to look as if you don't care about children," he said. "We do care deeply about children.'' - Me thinks you care a little TOO deeply about children.
Apr 26, 2010 9:17 PM
2 0 Report Abuse
DCM wrote:
Shame on the Catholic Church. Own up! And, pay up, if that's what it's gonna take "decades after the incidents". You preach forvigeness. That's what you want from us. You also preach repentence. And that's what we want from you. WWJD?
Apr 26, 2010 9:19 PM
2 0 Report Abuse
Bobb-E wrote:
And in other news, the Senate unanimously passed a bill (SB 104) Monday that would make it a first-degree misdemeanor to have sex with an animal, with a maximum punishment of a year in jail.
Apr 26, 2010 9:21 PM
1 0 Report Abuse
Harrybosch wrote:
Only makes sense. I salute the courage of those who came forward to tell their stories.
Apr 26, 2010 9:21 PM
0 1 Report Abuse
jt_usf wrote:
...Met with "STIFF" resistance eh? C'MON!
Apr 26, 2010 9:30 PM
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voxyqt wrote:
Just for the record: The Catholic Church is a red herring. What has happened here is that Ron Book, the sex crimes KING and his daughter the sex crimes PRINCESS have just kicked open the door to 'night court'. Sex crimes are largely defenseless crimes. It's some guy or woman's word against what may only be an accomplished liar and a bought jury. So, now ANY PERSON ANYWHERE can point the finger at anyone and say 'he raped me when I was five.'.... It's happened already. A sex crime is NOT MURDER. Murder should have THE ONLY SOL. If the Catholic Church is considered this is a means of destroying the CC. If anyone knows their history the Catholic Church was the one thing that Hitler was afraid of due to it's power. Any guy who lives alone and owns a lot of property be prepared to be victimized by little tiny liars of scumbag mothers. Don't say it's not so. Ex wives do this to their ex husbands ALL THE TIME.Meantime who is profiting from this? IF you guessed Ron Sex Crimes King Book cont.
Apr 26, 2010 9:54 PM
1 0 Report Abuse
voxyqt wrote:
..cont and his fairy princess of sex crimes with her MILLION POINT FIVE DOLLAR wedding you would be correct. Ron Book is a crimainal and a philanderer and he is enriching himself off the smut business without ever peddling porn. Are people seriously going to FALL FOR THIS???
Apr 26, 2010 9:55 PM
1 0 Report Abuse
voxyqt wrote:
google ron book extortion and ron book corruption.
Like father like daughter he hugs his little lobbyist a little too hard...
Apr 26, 2010 10:03 PM
1 0 Report Abuse
voxyqt wrote:
She looks purty good for a LONG WALK, huh? I bet I could walk from here to Washington DC and not find a judge anywhere who would put Michael Keller and Jose Tome in jail for harassing, intimidating, stalking and terrorizing women and children. Certainl there is not one in Hillsborough County. Scott Louis Gonzalez: Cold blooded murder and shooting at neighbors. Cutting holes in their fences with Peter Claudio .... Nope .. I could walk from here to Antarctica and not find a cop who would care. Certainly not one in Tampa. Right now I have to go figure out who I can accuse of rape when I was tiny and take everything they have in civil court. Unfortunately no one in my family is an accomplished liar. We'll have to hire a multi-raped actress just as Lobbyist Lauren Book did. Wow. The king and queen of sex crimes. I'm writing a book ...
Apr 26, 2010 10:06 PM
1 0 Report Abuse
voxyqt wrote:
hand in glove with a United States Attorney who covers up arson but plants child porn. And sends his business partner's wife around to threaten people with inclusion on the sex offender's registry; Colin Breen. Robert ONeill : Four Green Fields. A ticket to the carnival of horrors has just been punched. Anyone who has something these two WANT: BEWARE.Oh, that's right I have something they want. Come and GET IT.
Apr 26, 2010 10:11 PM
1 0 Report Abuse
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