Sunday, April 17, 2011

Colin Breen and the carton BIG CARTON OF METHADONE

Dear Colin Breen,
What's this I hear your whore of a wife and all your daughter's scumbag motherfuckin friends tried to have a box of methadone dropped off at my door???


That was pretty fucking stupid.

Like everything else.

The threats.

The threatened child porn and the hard drives.

The IAD detective and his clumsy attempts to access my laptop through his more charming sister (roberto bautiste IAD TPD your buddy at tpd)

What else?

Oh yeah .. sex offender threats ..

and now federal drug trafficking charges.


I'm going to drop miss australia and miss provo at your motherfuckin pub door you piece of shit.

You make your money your way you goddamn scourge on the good Irish people .... you embarrassment. YOU PIECE OF FUCKING DRUG TRAFFICKIN SHIT.

I'll live MY life. You leave my fucking family alone you goddamn pos excuse for a man who wanted to avoid jail so bad ..... you sold your soul .... I tie every fucking THING back to you, your pals in the hood, your fucking fat slut of a no good lazy piece of shit whore of a wife and your poor balding daughter who is not in the least bit innocent .....

Is she at work at uncle jason kuhn's honda yet?????????????????????????

She'll be busy visiting you in prison soon.