Wednesday, September 29, 2010

dear chrissy

another teenage whore? Yawn. Please let ms... hopkins, was it/ know that I will rake through her entire family tree if necessary (likely not) to hook her up to you yayhoos. Kindly go fuck yourself.

WHAT kind of mother drives three hours to market her 15 year old daughter/?

ONE WITH AN AGENDA, that's who.

later, sleezmos.

All that shit is going to fit nicely on the stairs to your big box on the side of the road that meth bought.

I gotcher twohunnerfitty bucks worth TODAY.

Now have I or have I NOT told you motherfuckers not to steal from me??

Use your unlimited meth money and buy your own

Saturday, September 11, 2010


yer a piece of shit, yer wife's a whore.

Nothing new.