huh... now I try to forget about this loser but it's reallllly awesome that I finally pinned it to bobber. and the colins. This guy has followed us around for a little over two years getting farther away lately BUT that is because lil chrissie moved in with her daughter...
Anyway, every KREWE of criminals needs a support staff. We couldn't have bob oneill out with poison and guns and shit stalking and poisoning and shooting people right out in the open and that is where FREE RENT and Colin's ummm ladies come in.
My family member actually believes they are friends. It's like a siren thing.... they sing in the ear and worm their way in .. .asking questions posing scenarios .. anything to get information.
Rich, incidentally.. it's very interesting how your MOODY family knows more about my hood than I do. ROFL. That came out on video. I have the ears and the eyes. Anyway .. what a puss. makes me sick how you signed up for A GODDAMN NOTHING LIFE when you could have I think been something. Whatever. Drop dead. That is kinda how I feel about you. Since around 2001 or 2.... NO... 2000.
Okay .. anyway so that's where free rent and christine and the tampa police force and the retirees that work for mark ober now (both sons TAMPA FIREMEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) hey bob ! come in.
This guy just got in my way today when I had a few minutes so it got out'd but good. This guy runs down both sides of the red white and green flag. First name Mike Last name Garcia.... used to see it EVERY DAY.
Didn't know it had the life of reilly so OBVIOUSLY. It got close and then it got shoved down in the mud. Gonna shove it a little farther but not really my focus. I just want to show you some of Bob's support staff.
Because every kingpin needs a support staff,.
He made colin now he'll make some others. As long as he can work on taking my family and others down in the process he's a happy state's attorney. He loses focus. I believe that. And if anyone has a pic of his wife I would dearly love to know if she's hot on our trail, too. I'm sure she is. NO ONE could be oblivious to everything written about their man in the paper and alla that.
Here's Bob and Colin's prolific stalker. Maybe he moved here from Mass or NY or NJ. I'm thinking NJ for some reason. He's reallllly good at playing slow. BUT not so slow that he doesn't know where I am 24 hours a day.
I know there are no tampa cops looking for him and I'm sure if he wants to look at some child porn they'll hand deliver it but here's his tag, his car,
his house, his address *205b life o reilly gandy how much you want to bet that bobber has his code enforcement buddies on this and is ready to REDEVLOP with that real estate magnate julie and colin ...)
his obvious connection to the BOBBERS
and his place of employment (sunoco macdill and azeele VERY VERY CLOSE TO STALKER AND BEATER JOSE TOME-AY friend of mark ober and the victims' advocate margaret lange who is secretly on the side of ummm THE BEATERS and STALKERS... yep. . Ooooh alnog with another colin sighting .. the tru green cause they SO like to call little boys' cellphones with julie brown. Yeah, THAT julie brown. The flimflammer and liar and dirty dealer ... good thing she's relatively attractive. Wish she would GET LAID and get a liFE. All this stuff showed up at the same time. Julie Brown, the clown, Christine the stalker, bob the criminal, colin the ummmm OH MY GOD ... I have taken a walk inside that mind ... WHO GOES AROUND MURDERING OTHER PEOPLES' CHILDREN?????? and mike and others .... Christine to let me know I had angered an attorney and she knew about the stuff used in our house and car.... hmmmmmmmmmmmm AND accompanied by the murdered moms' boys andrew and will. Along with a support staff of junior carnies and such .... the gamestop boy stytch.... bet that tag went south...
I don't think bob is fucking mike as he likes to do with other assistants but that may be because mike is not a toney attorney in the USA office, but ya never know. Odder things HAVE happened. I have no doubt the orgies are rampant... oh gouge my mind out....
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