Saturday, May 1, 2010

Late Jaguar Payment??

Needed a lil more dinero for the boston venture?

People found out you murdered their family???

You feeling sympathetic towards the threats you dish out towards my piece of heaven?

I only need the one field too, yknow? ROFL.

Four Green Fields.

Why couldn't the motherfucker burn to the ground?

THIS is how you know it was purposeful.

How does a thatch roof NOT go up in flames/?

But at least now the A/C can be fixed free of charge I guess.


Missed this one. Oddly enough it showed up in a google search with the term fire built right in after I'd done numerous four green fields searches....

all manipulated.

So, maybe this is just another threat.



Colin are you and Spence Roberts going to burn down ANOTHER HOUSE IN MY FAMILY and robert ONEILL will cover it up for you??

I saw his boy down the block.

Fuck not a man among ya.

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