I'm given to understand your family has deserted mine. Good. That just furthers the fucking story OF WHAT YOU DID >>> YOU FILTHY MOTHERFUCKERS.
Deputies arrest 35-year-old Tampa man after monthlong child porn investigation
By Marissa Lang, Times Staff Writer Posted: Jul 28, 2011 06:57 AM
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TAMPA — A 35-year-old Tampa man was arrested and charged with 15 counts of possessing child pornography Wednesday, the result of a monthlong investigation into online child exploitation.
Alex Rodriguez of Crystal Harbour Drive in Tampa had more than 50 videos and images of children between the ages of 5 and 15 and "engaged in various sexual activities," according to the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office.
Rodriguez was released from jail just after 4:30 a.m. Thursday after posting more than $100,000 bail, records show.
Deputies said Rodriguez admitted during questioning to having child pornography on his computer.
The Sheriff's Internet Predator Unit conducted a monthlong investigation before Wednesday's arrest.
Several additional computer items were also seized during the investigation, deputies said, and will be searched for further evidence.[Last modified: Jul 28, 2011 08:17 AM] Click here for reuse options! Copyright 2011 St. Petersburg TimesClick here to post a comment
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Viewing 1 - 7 of 7 comments
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JohnQCitizenMD Jul 28, 2011 7:16 AM About 7 hours ago
He made the 100k bail. We will never see Mr. Alex Rodriguez again.
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mytwocents Jul 28, 2011 9:17 AM About 5 hours ago
That means he put up 10,000 - correct?
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mytwocents Jul 28, 2011 9:17 AM About 5 hours ago
I've never posted bail so I don't know how it works.
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Rich in St Pete Jul 28, 2011 9:38 AM About 5 hours ago
$10,000 cash and bail bondsman puts up rest with collateral. Usually a house.
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Zander Jul 28, 2011 7:49 AM About 7 hours ago
A-Rod with child porn? So that's what he's doing during his rehab stint.
Reply Report Abuse 6 3
ididso Jul 28, 2011 7:54 AM About 7 hours ago
Zander, We were waiting for someone to make to find humor in this story,and we still are. This is a story that is NOT to be laughed at.
Reply Report Abuse 4 7
LOL Al Jul 28, 2011 8:44 AM About 6 hours ago
Zander, I immediately thought the same. Don't be fooled by ididso. I didn't feel that your comment was not making fun of the the perp or victims, but rather a goofy public figure that is widely hated in the baseball fandom. I get it. ididso, Way to take charge. Please compile a list of story lines that ARE to be laughed at. Don't forget to cross-reference your list with other commentor-kings like "ServingHim", as he has certain rules as well. Or, if that seems like a lot of work, maybe you should be the first commentor on every story and dictate, in easy to read language, what jokes can and cannot be made about each story. Here, I'll give you a template: "Comment #1, ididso: I, ididso, hereby dictate that the following jokes can be made about this story:(provide punchlines). Futhermore, the following jokes must be avoided: (provide punchlines)." That way we can all be crystal clear as to what we can and cannot comment on.
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ToTheBeachWeGo Jul 28, 2011 9:27 AM About 5 hours ago
This is one crime I will never understand. The thought of a child being forced to do porn makes me sick to my stomach. How somebody can watch it and enjoy it is something I will never understand.
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Ray_Gorpeachez Jul 28, 2011 9:30 AM About 5 hours ago
Not very surprising, the rest of the yankees are jackbags also.
Reply Report Abuse 4 4
EinT Jul 28, 2011 12:07 PM About 2 hours ago
Maybe it's the 'roids that made him do it.
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CageKickerHack Jul 28, 2011 10:10 AM About 4 hours ago
Chop off his ●●●●●●, jam it in his mouth, draw & quarter him, then shoot him in the face for good measure.
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Jada Jul 28, 2011 10:17 AM About 4 hours ago
It is just sick that perverts enjoy this type of torture. The children involved never ever get over the things they are forced to do. May he rot.
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PrincessHaven Jul 28, 2011 12:13 PM About 2 hours ago
The American male has been ruined by internet porn.
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TotallyPrevaricatingReports Jul 28, 2011 2:24 PM About 4 minutes ago
There would be NO CHILD PORN if the FBI and OTHERS so profiting did not PUT IT OUT THERE. Do you NOT READ?
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TotallyPrevaricatingReports Jul 28, 2011 2:29 PM Less than a minute ago
Sorry. Don't believe these folks confess/ I believe they "confess". Son is this your computer? Yes. Is this child porn? Yes. Maybe the first time HE EVER SAW IT. It is planted ALL THE TIME JUST GOOGLE IT. Stop calling people guilty for no reason. Interesting the timing of THE CHILD PORN. Hasn't been one for awhile. You people should be a LOT MORE WORRIED ABOUT what they've planted on YOUR hard drive. If Christine Breen whose husband's partner is US ATTORNEY ROBERT ONEILL can threaten people with planting child porn on their computers THAT IS A MUCH BIGGER PROBLEM. Grow UP. Without the enabling of it IT COULD NOT EXIST.
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TotallyPrevaricatingReports Jul 28, 2011 2:30 PM Less than a minute ago
Clifton Mothershed TEN YEARS at MICROSTAR planting child porn before he FINALLY made some type of mistake and is now being silenced because HE IS TALKING ABOUT WHO HE PLANTED IT FOR.
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TotallyPrevaricatingReports Jul 28, 2011 2:30 PM Less than a minute ago
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
Dead and Buried
I'd so much rather my father be dead and buried then be a fucking ignorant fiend like yours.
He and the scum LIKE HIM perpetuate this ignorance: people killing each other so that your Mother (momster) can keep her fucking stupid face in her HAND HELD VIDEO GAME ALL DAY AT FORTY FIVE YEARS OF AGE while you live jobless forever on the deaths of OTHERS.
So, don't think you have anyone fooled.
Your father is a piece of shit.
Your mother is a whore.
How far could the apple have rolled?
Everyone loves my Mom you said. She must suck a LOT of dick.
Even Cribbs.
She hangs constantly with teenagers.
What the fuck is UP with her??
A no good rotting from the inside CUNT.
I will take great pleasure filet'ing her ass in court.
She's too fucking stupid to try to play the tricks she does.
And she's a mindless cunt who is too lazy to work. Like you. She raised you lazy.
IF you had not pretended you KNEWNOTHING that would be different.
There was a time I felt sorry for you and said that you were the only one who looked as though you belonged in that blood money DUMP. But then I got you IN FULL.
I have never hated anyone in my life until I met your piece of shit of a mother.
She is a fucking monster.
SHE LIKED THAT HE WAS NAIVE. So your game went on flawlessly. BUT IN ACTS you showed your true colors.
You disgust me.
You are a waste of oxygen.
I can't think of anything worse to say or I would.
While you cackle mindlessly and cry fake tears and rule your little club of misfit pieces of shit who are such obvious dealers ... and idiots.
None of whom can hold a normal conversation ABOUT ANYTHING.
BUT how did you guys talk william and andrew into not minding that your family helped MURDER their mother??????????????????????????????????
Because they did.
And you know it.
I mean Andrew and Will are fucked up. So I have to wonder... since you KNEW THEM SINCE GRADE SCHOOL. How long did it take for you to rope them in?? Did you fuck will too?? Andrew??
Purty fuckin funny.
He and the scum LIKE HIM perpetuate this ignorance: people killing each other so that your Mother (momster) can keep her fucking stupid face in her HAND HELD VIDEO GAME ALL DAY AT FORTY FIVE YEARS OF AGE while you live jobless forever on the deaths of OTHERS.
So, don't think you have anyone fooled.
Your father is a piece of shit.
Your mother is a whore.
How far could the apple have rolled?
Everyone loves my Mom you said. She must suck a LOT of dick.
Even Cribbs.
She hangs constantly with teenagers.
What the fuck is UP with her??
A no good rotting from the inside CUNT.
I will take great pleasure filet'ing her ass in court.
She's too fucking stupid to try to play the tricks she does.
And she's a mindless cunt who is too lazy to work. Like you. She raised you lazy.
IF you had not pretended you KNEWNOTHING that would be different.
There was a time I felt sorry for you and said that you were the only one who looked as though you belonged in that blood money DUMP. But then I got you IN FULL.
I have never hated anyone in my life until I met your piece of shit of a mother.
She is a fucking monster.
SHE LIKED THAT HE WAS NAIVE. So your game went on flawlessly. BUT IN ACTS you showed your true colors.
You disgust me.
You are a waste of oxygen.
I can't think of anything worse to say or I would.
While you cackle mindlessly and cry fake tears and rule your little club of misfit pieces of shit who are such obvious dealers ... and idiots.
None of whom can hold a normal conversation ABOUT ANYTHING.
BUT how did you guys talk william and andrew into not minding that your family helped MURDER their mother??????????????????????????????????
Because they did.
And you know it.
I mean Andrew and Will are fucked up. So I have to wonder... since you KNEW THEM SINCE GRADE SCHOOL. How long did it take for you to rope them in?? Did you fuck will too?? Andrew??
Purty fuckin funny.
I.R.A. aka colin breen and robert oneill robert glas and andrew wright BOMB CHILDREN
Andrew, as you might know, is involved in the chockablock crack dumps your daughter was so anxious to move my family member to, Chrissy.
Luckily I have TONS of video of your guilty fucking ass. And I fully intend to take your criminal ass DOWN even with the consideration I will have to do so without the assistance of the United States Govt where your husband's partner Robert O'Neill is masquerading as a prosecutor. But we all know where bobby is getting his millions.
Please thank Richard Scott Rodriguez for being such a stupid motherfucker.
Luckily I have TONS of video of your guilty fucking ass. And I fully intend to take your criminal ass DOWN even with the consideration I will have to do so without the assistance of the United States Govt where your husband's partner Robert O'Neill is masquerading as a prosecutor. But we all know where bobby is getting his millions.
Please thank Richard Scott Rodriguez for being such a stupid motherfucker.
Here we go: Colon YOU support MURDERERS
Which, under Florida law, MAKES YOU A MURDERER. Even though it's my personal opinion that you are guilty of personally murdering people despite the fact you're a fucking pussy ass clownhaired motherfucker from yesteryear and have ties to the Sarah Rinaldi MURDER and your fucking brother FLED to Massachusetts when that little fact was revealed. You fucking dirty piece of scum SHIT.
The Irish Problem
A St. Pete Times story is not the scoop it appears to be.
by John F. Sugg
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Comments (2) Rating: 5
I wuz robbed by the St. Petersburg Times.
Right there on the Dec. 12 front page was a story written with all the breathlessness of a scoop. Unfortunately (for the Times), it was a story that I had repeatedly penned for more than seven years.
I'm not upset with Susan Taylor Martin, the writer who perpetrated the offense. Her beat is the world, she's seldom in the Tampa Bay area, and she says she hadn't seen my Weekly Planet stories -- which were bona fide scoops.
But her editors and colleagues knew about my stories. I have talked with some of the Times folk about why they never picked up on the story. The repeated explanation, with a lot of hemming and hawing, was that the story wasn't important. Martin has proven the worth of my reports, so at least for that, thanks.
The question remains: Why didn't the Times (or the Tampa Tribune) do the story years ago?
And, I am soooooo amused at how the issue lays bare the Times' inability to admit that it sometimes goofs, in this case failing to give credit when credit is due. Presiding over that Cult of Infallibility and Inerrancy is Paul Tash, the latest member of the Times Elite Boys Club to rise to the top of the feudal heap they call management.
Here's the background: In early 1998, two federal prosecutors approached me. They told me how upset they were that Bobby O'Neill, the head of the criminal division at the U.S. Attorney's Office, co-owned a Hyde Park Irish bar, Four Green Fields.
The bar had hosted fundraisers for Sinn Fein, an Irish political party often said to have a "military wing," the murdering, bombing, bank-robbing Irish Republican Army. In fact, there are no "wings." The Irish justice minister a year ago exposed the fact that Sinn Fein leaders Gerry Adams, Martin McGuiness and Martin Ferris are on the IRA military council -- which destroys the make-believe that there is a firewall between the political party and the terrorists.
A third federal law enforcement officer later told me about O'Neill, so I figured this must be a hot bit of water cooler gossip at the U.S. Attorney's Office. I wrote a story. And another story. And another story. And another story. And many, many more stories.
The heart of the reports was that O'Neill was leading the prosecution against Sami Al-Arian, who was accused of raising money for, and praising the cause of, a terrorist group. Which is exactly what O'Neill's bar was doing. Heck, some of Four Green Fields' Sinn Fein shindigs featured that bold lad, terrorist-in-chief Gerry Adams.
Now, I've been an assignment editor at daily newspapers -- including the Tampa Tribune. That was back in the days of real journalism, when an editor who heard that a G-man in charge of prosecuting terrorists is also funneling cash to terrorists would have jumped from his seat, chomped his cigar and yelled: "Get me a reporter. No, dammit, get me a half-dozen reporters. This is a helluva story!"
But the Times and the Tribune ... well, they whistled Dixie. For years.
It was understandable for the Trib. The paper's Michael Fechter has been widely viewed as a public relations conduit for the feds' crusade against Al-Arian. The Tampa paper wasn't going to bite the hand -- even if shortchanging the public was the price.
But the Times? A very small part of the reason is that the bosses there don't like me much -- I've exposed more than a few blemishes in the paper's self-professed perfection. I guess professional vendetta overcame news judgment, and they let O'Neill alone.
A bigger factor is that the Times is as much in the business of giving cover to the U.S. Attorney's Office as the Trib. Despite some clear indications of misconduct among the prosecutors in several cases, the two daily newspapers, with all of their resources, have remained cheerleaders for the feds.
Even after the prosecutors lost a stunning defeat in the Al-Arian case -- a clear victory for civil liberties -- the faux liberal Times in an editorial castigated Al-Arian for what the paper depicted as an unworthy win. The Times editorial neglected to note the serious deficiencies in the government's case, other than benevolently stating the feds were good at connecting dots. (No, the feds never had a case.)
Noteworthy, the Times chided Al-Arian for his angry words from more than a decade ago -- but the paper somehow has missed the same sort of hateful language that emanates from the Irish bar owned by O'Neill. Substitute "Brits" for "Israelis" and Al-Arian's words are almost identical to the songs and slogans at Four Green Fields.
Like I said, the Times can't claim it didn't know about what goes on at the tavern. Heck, Martin's editor, Bill Duryea, has even written on the IRA bashes at Four Green Fields (although not about O'Neill's complicity).
Three years after my reports began, the Times did once mention -- 29 paragraphs into a happy-news puff piece on Four Green Fields -- that O'Neill owned part of the bar. However, there were no tough questions for the barkeep of a tavern popular with many Times scribes. O'Neill was allowed to claim the bar wasn't "pro-IRA," which would have been belied by even a casual look at the hate-Britain posters on the walls, some of which recruited support for Sinn Fein. Al-Arian, of course, was accused of providing similar boosterism for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
Martin's Dec. 12 story was pretty good, although she got a few things wrong. (Martin apparently didn't know -- maybe her bosses intentionally didn't tell her -- that O'Neill had been Al-Arian's Torquemada for years. Martin described him in the story as remote from the case.)
"All my reporting on this was independently done and any records cited were verified by Bill Adair, our Washington bureau chief, going to the Justice Department and looking at them himself," Martin said in response to a gripe I e-mailed her.
Martin did become aware of my work three days before her story was printed. The U.S. Attorney's Office spokesman, Steve Cole, in a backhanded compliment, told her that the Planet and "disgruntled (federal) employees" were keeping the story alive.
The Times didn't mention my many, many stories, and the newspaper should have. This is an era when words such as "ethics" and "transparency" dominate newsrooms. The Times is owned by a journalism school and think-tank, the Poynter Institute, that champions ethics. Not giving credit to another journal's investigation is, well, just plain unethical. Sort of like mentioning Watergate without nodding at the Washington Post.
Here's where we get to a second story. Martin impugned my stories on O'Neill because I used "anonymous" sources. The Times has a policy against anonymous sources.
The truth is that the paper does use such sources. It just deceives the readers about them.
I'd prefer to name all of my sources -- but people fear retaliation. Both the Times and the government can be very vindictive. I do tell readers when I'm citing Mr. Anonymous, and I describe the source as fully as possible.
In comparison, last June, the Times reported: "[C]ontroversial federal prosecutor Jeffrey Del Fuoco is out of a job." The Times didn't say how it knew that -- it used what we hacks call the "voice of God," which is a cheap, dishonest way of not telling the readers that an anonymous source, one in this case with a political agenda, was behind the story.
The newspaper, as it turned out, was dead wrong. (Two months later, del Fuoco did quit.)
The Times ran a correction on the June account -- but it was as mendacious as the story. The correction acknowledged that del Fuoco wasn't fired -- but never told you how the newspaper so badly screwed up. It's that Tash Cult of Denial.
So, I'll stick with my sources, anonymous when necessary. And the next time the Times needs help with a scoop, give me a call. Maybe you'll get all of the facts right.
Want to read the real scoops by Senior Editor John Sugg on the federal prosecutor who owns a bar that raises money for terrorists? See Sugg's blog at www.johnsugg.com.
Sugg Blog archives »
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Robert o'Neill is not only FULLY AWARE of this behavior of the Breen family, he is WHOLLY COMPLICIT. I have proof. Robert should be facing RICO charges and every case (including the Tomato King in Califo) he has been involved with should be investigated. Robert should be in prison. Truth in justice files dot blogspot dot com. jpscanlan dot com. Robert is a lowlife stalker who let gotti off the hook, as well.
.Posted by knowwhereyoustand.standthere on July 25, 2011 at 2:14 PM | Report this comment . Mr. Sugg, What Ms. Martin highlighted which everyone else missed is the behavior and character of mcmansion owner nee paperhanger, Colin Breen, Robert O'Neill's partner. Colin and his wife Christine and their daughter Katie actively run a drug krewe with many others in their STampa hood. Check out Richard Scott Gonzales and the folks on "mistic" point. As well, Christine Decamp Breen and daughter are stalkers who infiltrate families and destroy them. It's possible Christine is related to David DeCamp @ ST Pete Times. i have asked him directly receiving no reply but they did disable my username promptly. People are mistaken about the st pete times. it is NOT liberal but merely a propaganda rag for the I>R.A. and other criminal factions in tampa. as should be evident at this point. thank you.
The Irish Problem
A St. Pete Times story is not the scoop it appears to be.
by John F. Sugg
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Comments (2) Rating: 5
I wuz robbed by the St. Petersburg Times.
Right there on the Dec. 12 front page was a story written with all the breathlessness of a scoop. Unfortunately (for the Times), it was a story that I had repeatedly penned for more than seven years.
I'm not upset with Susan Taylor Martin, the writer who perpetrated the offense. Her beat is the world, she's seldom in the Tampa Bay area, and she says she hadn't seen my Weekly Planet stories -- which were bona fide scoops.
But her editors and colleagues knew about my stories. I have talked with some of the Times folk about why they never picked up on the story. The repeated explanation, with a lot of hemming and hawing, was that the story wasn't important. Martin has proven the worth of my reports, so at least for that, thanks.
The question remains: Why didn't the Times (or the Tampa Tribune) do the story years ago?
And, I am soooooo amused at how the issue lays bare the Times' inability to admit that it sometimes goofs, in this case failing to give credit when credit is due. Presiding over that Cult of Infallibility and Inerrancy is Paul Tash, the latest member of the Times Elite Boys Club to rise to the top of the feudal heap they call management.
Here's the background: In early 1998, two federal prosecutors approached me. They told me how upset they were that Bobby O'Neill, the head of the criminal division at the U.S. Attorney's Office, co-owned a Hyde Park Irish bar, Four Green Fields.
The bar had hosted fundraisers for Sinn Fein, an Irish political party often said to have a "military wing," the murdering, bombing, bank-robbing Irish Republican Army. In fact, there are no "wings." The Irish justice minister a year ago exposed the fact that Sinn Fein leaders Gerry Adams, Martin McGuiness and Martin Ferris are on the IRA military council -- which destroys the make-believe that there is a firewall between the political party and the terrorists.
A third federal law enforcement officer later told me about O'Neill, so I figured this must be a hot bit of water cooler gossip at the U.S. Attorney's Office. I wrote a story. And another story. And another story. And another story. And many, many more stories.
The heart of the reports was that O'Neill was leading the prosecution against Sami Al-Arian, who was accused of raising money for, and praising the cause of, a terrorist group. Which is exactly what O'Neill's bar was doing. Heck, some of Four Green Fields' Sinn Fein shindigs featured that bold lad, terrorist-in-chief Gerry Adams.
Now, I've been an assignment editor at daily newspapers -- including the Tampa Tribune. That was back in the days of real journalism, when an editor who heard that a G-man in charge of prosecuting terrorists is also funneling cash to terrorists would have jumped from his seat, chomped his cigar and yelled: "Get me a reporter. No, dammit, get me a half-dozen reporters. This is a helluva story!"
But the Times and the Tribune ... well, they whistled Dixie. For years.
It was understandable for the Trib. The paper's Michael Fechter has been widely viewed as a public relations conduit for the feds' crusade against Al-Arian. The Tampa paper wasn't going to bite the hand -- even if shortchanging the public was the price.
But the Times? A very small part of the reason is that the bosses there don't like me much -- I've exposed more than a few blemishes in the paper's self-professed perfection. I guess professional vendetta overcame news judgment, and they let O'Neill alone.
A bigger factor is that the Times is as much in the business of giving cover to the U.S. Attorney's Office as the Trib. Despite some clear indications of misconduct among the prosecutors in several cases, the two daily newspapers, with all of their resources, have remained cheerleaders for the feds.
Even after the prosecutors lost a stunning defeat in the Al-Arian case -- a clear victory for civil liberties -- the faux liberal Times in an editorial castigated Al-Arian for what the paper depicted as an unworthy win. The Times editorial neglected to note the serious deficiencies in the government's case, other than benevolently stating the feds were good at connecting dots. (No, the feds never had a case.)
Noteworthy, the Times chided Al-Arian for his angry words from more than a decade ago -- but the paper somehow has missed the same sort of hateful language that emanates from the Irish bar owned by O'Neill. Substitute "Brits" for "Israelis" and Al-Arian's words are almost identical to the songs and slogans at Four Green Fields.
Like I said, the Times can't claim it didn't know about what goes on at the tavern. Heck, Martin's editor, Bill Duryea, has even written on the IRA bashes at Four Green Fields (although not about O'Neill's complicity).
Three years after my reports began, the Times did once mention -- 29 paragraphs into a happy-news puff piece on Four Green Fields -- that O'Neill owned part of the bar. However, there were no tough questions for the barkeep of a tavern popular with many Times scribes. O'Neill was allowed to claim the bar wasn't "pro-IRA," which would have been belied by even a casual look at the hate-Britain posters on the walls, some of which recruited support for Sinn Fein. Al-Arian, of course, was accused of providing similar boosterism for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
Martin's Dec. 12 story was pretty good, although she got a few things wrong. (Martin apparently didn't know -- maybe her bosses intentionally didn't tell her -- that O'Neill had been Al-Arian's Torquemada for years. Martin described him in the story as remote from the case.)
"All my reporting on this was independently done and any records cited were verified by Bill Adair, our Washington bureau chief, going to the Justice Department and looking at them himself," Martin said in response to a gripe I e-mailed her.
Martin did become aware of my work three days before her story was printed. The U.S. Attorney's Office spokesman, Steve Cole, in a backhanded compliment, told her that the Planet and "disgruntled (federal) employees" were keeping the story alive.
The Times didn't mention my many, many stories, and the newspaper should have. This is an era when words such as "ethics" and "transparency" dominate newsrooms. The Times is owned by a journalism school and think-tank, the Poynter Institute, that champions ethics. Not giving credit to another journal's investigation is, well, just plain unethical. Sort of like mentioning Watergate without nodding at the Washington Post.
Here's where we get to a second story. Martin impugned my stories on O'Neill because I used "anonymous" sources. The Times has a policy against anonymous sources.
The truth is that the paper does use such sources. It just deceives the readers about them.
I'd prefer to name all of my sources -- but people fear retaliation. Both the Times and the government can be very vindictive. I do tell readers when I'm citing Mr. Anonymous, and I describe the source as fully as possible.
In comparison, last June, the Times reported: "[C]ontroversial federal prosecutor Jeffrey Del Fuoco is out of a job." The Times didn't say how it knew that -- it used what we hacks call the "voice of God," which is a cheap, dishonest way of not telling the readers that an anonymous source, one in this case with a political agenda, was behind the story.
The newspaper, as it turned out, was dead wrong. (Two months later, del Fuoco did quit.)
The Times ran a correction on the June account -- but it was as mendacious as the story. The correction acknowledged that del Fuoco wasn't fired -- but never told you how the newspaper so badly screwed up. It's that Tash Cult of Denial.
So, I'll stick with my sources, anonymous when necessary. And the next time the Times needs help with a scoop, give me a call. Maybe you'll get all of the facts right.
Want to read the real scoops by Senior Editor John Sugg on the federal prosecutor who owns a bar that raises money for terrorists? See Sugg's blog at www.johnsugg.com.
Sugg Blog archives »
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Robert o'Neill is not only FULLY AWARE of this behavior of the Breen family, he is WHOLLY COMPLICIT. I have proof. Robert should be facing RICO charges and every case (including the Tomato King in Califo) he has been involved with should be investigated. Robert should be in prison. Truth in justice files dot blogspot dot com. jpscanlan dot com. Robert is a lowlife stalker who let gotti off the hook, as well.
.Posted by knowwhereyoustand.standthere on July 25, 2011 at 2:14 PM | Report this comment . Mr. Sugg, What Ms. Martin highlighted which everyone else missed is the behavior and character of mcmansion owner nee paperhanger, Colin Breen, Robert O'Neill's partner. Colin and his wife Christine and their daughter Katie actively run a drug krewe with many others in their STampa hood. Check out Richard Scott Gonzales and the folks on "mistic" point. As well, Christine Decamp Breen and daughter are stalkers who infiltrate families and destroy them. It's possible Christine is related to David DeCamp @ ST Pete Times. i have asked him directly receiving no reply but they did disable my username promptly. People are mistaken about the st pete times. it is NOT liberal but merely a propaganda rag for the I>R.A. and other criminal factions in tampa. as should be evident at this point. thank you.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
No NUTS NO GLORY Robert O'Neill and Colin Breen
This is from the NEW YORK TIMES. This is Colon I mean Colin's buddy Gerry findabble Mc Bucketoshit or whatever, the bucket of shit who approves of sneaking up on off-duty, unawares young men and women and wasting their lives to support his fucked up cause of murder and deception which is, IN REALITY, a power and money grab. Or why would COLON live in a mansion rather than a hovel while supporting his FOUR GREEN FIELDS DREAM?????
Oh Sorry, it's GERRY ADAMS Sinn Fein piece of smelly SHIT. Below you'll find the FUND RAISER INNOCENT DADDY COLON held at his hole in the wall scum dump he stole from someone on Platt. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE J BURNS DETECTIVE AGENCY COLON?? YOUR WIFEY WANTED THE SOUVENIR LIKE A SERIAL KILLER. she's a fuckin sick fuckin bitch she is. NEVER FORGET I AM IRISH. Just the decent kind. Unlike you. You sick fuck. Would that someone would slip up behind all you off-duty motherfuckers and give you what you deserve. THIS IS WHAT A UNITED STATES ATTORNEY IS SUPPORTING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Found a better article. Was reading.
You should try that, KATIE. I know you can claim not to read the paper but it's TOO LATE TO CLAIM you don't read here. And it's too late to play you are innocent in this .. I KNOW BETTER Miss Fake Tears.
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COLLECTIONSI.R.A. Shifts Tactics, and the Results Are Deadly
Published: August 23, 1988(Page 2 of 2)Sign In to E-Mail
''The I.R.A. has shown its ability to sustain itself and that it can still mount successful military operations to keep the pressure on the British,'' said Brendan O'Leary, a lecturer in government at the London School of Economics, who has studied the guerrilla movement. ''This also demonstrates that the I.R.A. has weathered the storm of the Anglo-Irish Agreement.'' Effect on Public Opinion
British troops, rather than members of locally recruited security forces, are the preferred targets for the I.R.A. largely because they are the most visible sign of the British presence in Northern Ireland and such killings have the greatest effect on British public opinion. ''One dead British soldier is worth four dead Royal Ulster Constabulary men,'' an I.R.A. official said recently, referring to the Northern Ireland police force.
Gerry Adams, president of Sinn Fein, the political arm of the I.R.A., calls violence the ''cutting edge'' of what his movement regards as a struggle for ''national self-determination.'' In an interview last month with The Sunday Tribune, a Dublin newspaper, he said ''there is a very widespread tolerance of actions against the British Army,'' so assaults on British troops are ''not only the right thing to do but also the clever thing to do.''
The I.R.A. has achieved its goal of killing British troops with the help of ample supplies of hard-to-detect plastic explosives and a strategy of going after the soldiers when they are off-duty. Of the 27 British troops killed this year, 20 were off duty when they were attacked.
Charges of Libya Connection
The plastic explosive used in most of the recent bomb attacks - Semtex, a Czechoslovak-made variety - has been given to the I.R.A. by Libya, according to British intelligence reports. Libya has also been responsible for increased shipments of other weapons including mortar shells, automatic rifles and even anti-aircraft missiles. Tripoli's generosity toward the I.R.A. reportedly began in earnest in 1986, shortly after the Thatcher Government permitted the United States to use air bases in Britain for the raid on Libya.
According to British intelligence reports, the I.R.A. has a core of 250 to 300 trained regulars in the province, with perhaps no more than 60 of them actively engaged in planning and operations at any one time. The guerrillas are typically part of the decentralized local units of 6 to 12 members.
The I.R.A. central command, the seven-member Army Council, is based in Dublin, and movement by I.R.A. members back and forth across the border is common.
Beyond the core group, there are an estimated 2,000 active sympathizers, mostly in the Catholic urban slums and among some poorer Catholic farmers, who provide ''safe houses'' for the I.R.A. and gather intelligence. For example, it is believed to be I.R.A. sympathizers at or near Aldergrove airport in Belfast who spotted the British soldiers arriving last weekend and passed on that information to the bomber.
The I.R.A. spends an estimated $2.2 million a year on operations and on weekly payments of about $34 to I.R.A. members and the families of prisoners. Some of the funds, though less in recent years, come from American donations. But most are generated from illegal activities and legitimate businesses the I.R.A. controls like drinking clubs, taxicabs, extortion rackets and robberies, British security officials say
Oh Sorry, it's GERRY ADAMS Sinn Fein piece of smelly SHIT. Below you'll find the FUND RAISER INNOCENT DADDY COLON held at his hole in the wall scum dump he stole from someone on Platt. WHAT HAPPENED TO THE J BURNS DETECTIVE AGENCY COLON?? YOUR WIFEY WANTED THE SOUVENIR LIKE A SERIAL KILLER. she's a fuckin sick fuckin bitch she is. NEVER FORGET I AM IRISH. Just the decent kind. Unlike you. You sick fuck. Would that someone would slip up behind all you off-duty motherfuckers and give you what you deserve. THIS IS WHAT A UNITED STATES ATTORNEY IS SUPPORTING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Found a better article. Was reading.
You should try that, KATIE. I know you can claim not to read the paper but it's TOO LATE TO CLAIM you don't read here. And it's too late to play you are innocent in this .. I KNOW BETTER Miss Fake Tears.
Search All NYTimes.com
COLLECTIONSI.R.A. Shifts Tactics, and the Results Are Deadly
Published: August 23, 1988(Page 2 of 2)Sign In to E-Mail
''The I.R.A. has shown its ability to sustain itself and that it can still mount successful military operations to keep the pressure on the British,'' said Brendan O'Leary, a lecturer in government at the London School of Economics, who has studied the guerrilla movement. ''This also demonstrates that the I.R.A. has weathered the storm of the Anglo-Irish Agreement.'' Effect on Public Opinion
British troops, rather than members of locally recruited security forces, are the preferred targets for the I.R.A. largely because they are the most visible sign of the British presence in Northern Ireland and such killings have the greatest effect on British public opinion. ''One dead British soldier is worth four dead Royal Ulster Constabulary men,'' an I.R.A. official said recently, referring to the Northern Ireland police force.
Gerry Adams, president of Sinn Fein, the political arm of the I.R.A., calls violence the ''cutting edge'' of what his movement regards as a struggle for ''national self-determination.'' In an interview last month with The Sunday Tribune, a Dublin newspaper, he said ''there is a very widespread tolerance of actions against the British Army,'' so assaults on British troops are ''not only the right thing to do but also the clever thing to do.''
The I.R.A. has achieved its goal of killing British troops with the help of ample supplies of hard-to-detect plastic explosives and a strategy of going after the soldiers when they are off-duty. Of the 27 British troops killed this year, 20 were off duty when they were attacked.
Charges of Libya Connection
The plastic explosive used in most of the recent bomb attacks - Semtex, a Czechoslovak-made variety - has been given to the I.R.A. by Libya, according to British intelligence reports. Libya has also been responsible for increased shipments of other weapons including mortar shells, automatic rifles and even anti-aircraft missiles. Tripoli's generosity toward the I.R.A. reportedly began in earnest in 1986, shortly after the Thatcher Government permitted the United States to use air bases in Britain for the raid on Libya.
According to British intelligence reports, the I.R.A. has a core of 250 to 300 trained regulars in the province, with perhaps no more than 60 of them actively engaged in planning and operations at any one time. The guerrillas are typically part of the decentralized local units of 6 to 12 members.
The I.R.A. central command, the seven-member Army Council, is based in Dublin, and movement by I.R.A. members back and forth across the border is common.
Beyond the core group, there are an estimated 2,000 active sympathizers, mostly in the Catholic urban slums and among some poorer Catholic farmers, who provide ''safe houses'' for the I.R.A. and gather intelligence. For example, it is believed to be I.R.A. sympathizers at or near Aldergrove airport in Belfast who spotted the British soldiers arriving last weekend and passed on that information to the bomber.
The I.R.A. spends an estimated $2.2 million a year on operations and on weekly payments of about $34 to I.R.A. members and the families of prisoners. Some of the funds, though less in recent years, come from American donations. But most are generated from illegal activities and legitimate businesses the I.R.A. controls like drinking clubs, taxicabs, extortion rackets and robberies, British security officials say
IRA look and smell more LIKE PUSSIES TO ME
That's NOT mental strength.
The Guerrilla / The VolunteerThe 1977 edition of the Green Book is very much focused on the mental strength of the volunteer. The manual is eager to draw a clear distinction between volunteer and his enemy:
"A member of the I.R.A. is such by his own choice, his convictions being the only factor which compels him to volunteer, his objectives the political freedom and social and economic justice for his people. Apart from the few minutes in the career of the average Brit that he comes under attack, the Brit has no freedom or personal initiative. He is told when to sleep, where to sleep, when to get up, where to spend his free time etc."
In the 1977 edition the term Guerrilla is dropped in favour of "volunteer", the new edition also stresses that this volunteer is part of a movement with common aims and objectives. From the PIRA's point of view this would have been necessary to combating competing interpretations encountered in the community and the propaganda efforts of the enemy it faced:
"Before we go on the offensive politically or militarily we take the greatest defensive precautions possible to ensure success, e.g. we do not advocate a United Ireland without being able to justify our right to such a state as opposed to partition; we do not employ revolutionary violence as our means without being able to illustrate that we have no recourse to any other means. Or in more everyday simple terms: we do not claim that we are going to escalate the war if we cannot do just that; we do not mount an operation without first having ensured that we have taken the necessary defensive precautions of accurate intelligence, security, that weapons are in proper working order with proper ammunition and that the volunteers involved know how to handle interrogations in the event of their capture etc, and of course that the operation itself enhances rather than alienates our supporters."
The 1956 edition on the other hand stresses the physical aspects of IRA operations:
"Outside of the support he [the Guerrilla] gets from the people among whom he operates-and this support must never be underestimated for it is vital to his eventual success-he fights alone. He is part of an independent formation that is in effect an army by itself. He must be self-contained. If necessary he must act alone and fight alone with the weapons at his disposal- and these very often will not be of the best. He must find his own supplies. His endurance has to be great: and for this he needs a fit body and an alert mind. Above all he must know what he is fighting for- and why."
The Guerrilla / The VolunteerThe 1977 edition of the Green Book is very much focused on the mental strength of the volunteer. The manual is eager to draw a clear distinction between volunteer and his enemy:
"A member of the I.R.A. is such by his own choice, his convictions being the only factor which compels him to volunteer, his objectives the political freedom and social and economic justice for his people. Apart from the few minutes in the career of the average Brit that he comes under attack, the Brit has no freedom or personal initiative. He is told when to sleep, where to sleep, when to get up, where to spend his free time etc."
In the 1977 edition the term Guerrilla is dropped in favour of "volunteer", the new edition also stresses that this volunteer is part of a movement with common aims and objectives. From the PIRA's point of view this would have been necessary to combating competing interpretations encountered in the community and the propaganda efforts of the enemy it faced:
"Before we go on the offensive politically or militarily we take the greatest defensive precautions possible to ensure success, e.g. we do not advocate a United Ireland without being able to justify our right to such a state as opposed to partition; we do not employ revolutionary violence as our means without being able to illustrate that we have no recourse to any other means. Or in more everyday simple terms: we do not claim that we are going to escalate the war if we cannot do just that; we do not mount an operation without first having ensured that we have taken the necessary defensive precautions of accurate intelligence, security, that weapons are in proper working order with proper ammunition and that the volunteers involved know how to handle interrogations in the event of their capture etc, and of course that the operation itself enhances rather than alienates our supporters."
The 1956 edition on the other hand stresses the physical aspects of IRA operations:
"Outside of the support he [the Guerrilla] gets from the people among whom he operates-and this support must never be underestimated for it is vital to his eventual success-he fights alone. He is part of an independent formation that is in effect an army by itself. He must be self-contained. If necessary he must act alone and fight alone with the weapons at his disposal- and these very often will not be of the best. He must find his own supplies. His endurance has to be great: and for this he needs a fit body and an alert mind. Above all he must know what he is fighting for- and why."
No, it's NOT OK to be a member of a group who goes around stealth or openly murderig other human beings.

It's NOT OKAY that you and your mother and your father's army of misfit FUCKS set HIM UP for all kinds of bullshit and then "rescued" him. It's NOT OKAY what Jimmy and Austin did in our hotel room. (have the evidence) They're so fucking stupid it's pathetic they exist.
It's NOT OKAY that your mother transports minors across county lines to have sex. If I'm not mistaken that makes her a predator.
And it is MOST DEFINITELY NOT OKAY that she threatened him.
You are a piece of fucking shit for participating. You fucking FUCKED HIM upstairs with your mother right downstairs probably video'ing it. You sucked him in. You fucked with him. WHAT DOES THAT MAKE YOU??? It makes you a goddamn IRA WHORE. A prostitute.
A fucking no good scum level prostitute.
All the fake trips to the doctor.
Fuck you.
You are trying the same thing with the younger one.
No, it's not fucking OKAY.
And you are not as smart nor nearly as clever as you think you are.
Your hands are covered in the BLOOD OF INNOCENTS.
So shove that through your ancient, smelly gates.
Ya fat little bitch

It's NOT OKAY that you and your mother and your father's army of misfit FUCKS set HIM UP for all kinds of bullshit and then "rescued" him. It's NOT OKAY what Jimmy and Austin did in our hotel room. (have the evidence) They're so fucking stupid it's pathetic they exist.
It's NOT OKAY that your mother transports minors across county lines to have sex. If I'm not mistaken that makes her a predator.
And it is MOST DEFINITELY NOT OKAY that she threatened him.
You are a piece of fucking shit for participating. You fucking FUCKED HIM upstairs with your mother right downstairs probably video'ing it. You sucked him in. You fucked with him. WHAT DOES THAT MAKE YOU??? It makes you a goddamn IRA WHORE. A prostitute.
A fucking no good scum level prostitute.
All the fake trips to the doctor.
Fuck you.
You are trying the same thing with the younger one.
No, it's not fucking OKAY.
And you are not as smart nor nearly as clever as you think you are.
Your hands are covered in the BLOOD OF INNOCENTS.
So shove that through your ancient, smelly gates.
Ya fat little bitch
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Who ARE these Irish MEN and ITALIAN MEN?
Soon we'll have a new feature here called WHO ARE THESE MICE/ I mean men.
This guy at walgreen's ... they LOVE THEM SOME WALGREENS. I got very good video of him. Also believed he put a substance on our vehicle. In the process of getting the security vid from walgreen's. Dude. You're a pussy and you drive a pussy car. I bet your urine sounds feminine hitting the urinal. Like Colin's. tag number w59 APJ
AND on both sides of town .... boy really putting the time in, colin ma BOY. Also video'd driving past my home after the dipshit got lost to ascertain I had returned home.
V26 7TQ.... observed JUST BEFORE the first sighting of Christine Breen in MONTHS except for her balding daughter's habit of trying to pack up normal people and move them in to crack dumps OWNED BY ASSOCIATES OF HER FUCKING SCUM FATHER.
And her uncle bob and jason kuhn. lmao.
You'll get yours you little fraud. Did screaming. Or peaceful in your sleep like your whoring cunt of a mother.
Somewhere in a normal house in a normal neighborhood a normal family is falling apart.
And I helped.
By Katie Breen.
Now the fake fucking tears.
There is no free lunch. You WILL suffer me.
Your father is a two bit criminal and murderer and you KNOW IT. You stalked my family member and did things to him and pretended you were his friend. You intro'd him to scum, you got him on drugs. You accompanied him to Ruby Tuesday's with Roberto Bautiste (TAMPA IAD'S) sister, Annette. You laughed after they drugged him.
You are a piece of shit.
You deserve what happens to you for what you did and are doing to him.
And your friends are fucked up. All of them. Just like you.
Tell your father I am coming for him. And I will see him in prison. I will PUT him in prison.
And your whore of a mother, too.
And tell the stupid cunts their stalking is stupid.
I've seen newsboy hat before.
Is your clown hair father fucking that bitch at the boston dump?
My. He's so well connected.
Not troubling at all. When he starts swirling the drain they will desert him like rats.
Which is what he deserves.
He is a lazy good for nothing piece of scum dog shit making a life for his fucked up family off the misery and terrorization of innocent people.
You know GODDAMN WELL you targeted him.
I wish you would fucking hang yourself and get it over with.
Nothing disgusts me more than a young person fucking over another young person. You are NOTHING. FUCKING NOTHING. You live in a mansion built ON SKULLS of the victims of your pig of a father.
In comparison, a Nebraska avenue prostitute smells like a rose. You and they rot from the inside and destroy everyone around you NOT IN ON your goddamn meth dealing fucking friends' lifestyle
the woman who died screaming on himes and then crack stytch became "annoying". Yeah. Bags of fucking meth/heroin/crack at orlando mcdonald's.
Fucking PIECE OF SHIT. that's your fault now that you are an adult. No blaming mommy for what YOU ARE. WHAT YOU DID TO HIM and to OUR FAMILY you fucking no good slut.
This guy at walgreen's ... they LOVE THEM SOME WALGREENS. I got very good video of him. Also believed he put a substance on our vehicle. In the process of getting the security vid from walgreen's. Dude. You're a pussy and you drive a pussy car. I bet your urine sounds feminine hitting the urinal. Like Colin's. tag number w59 APJ
AND on both sides of town .... boy really putting the time in, colin ma BOY. Also video'd driving past my home after the dipshit got lost to ascertain I had returned home.
V26 7TQ.... observed JUST BEFORE the first sighting of Christine Breen in MONTHS except for her balding daughter's habit of trying to pack up normal people and move them in to crack dumps OWNED BY ASSOCIATES OF HER FUCKING SCUM FATHER.
And her uncle bob and jason kuhn. lmao.
You'll get yours you little fraud. Did screaming. Or peaceful in your sleep like your whoring cunt of a mother.
Somewhere in a normal house in a normal neighborhood a normal family is falling apart.
And I helped.
By Katie Breen.
Now the fake fucking tears.
There is no free lunch. You WILL suffer me.
Your father is a two bit criminal and murderer and you KNOW IT. You stalked my family member and did things to him and pretended you were his friend. You intro'd him to scum, you got him on drugs. You accompanied him to Ruby Tuesday's with Roberto Bautiste (TAMPA IAD'S) sister, Annette. You laughed after they drugged him.
You are a piece of shit.
You deserve what happens to you for what you did and are doing to him.
And your friends are fucked up. All of them. Just like you.
Tell your father I am coming for him. And I will see him in prison. I will PUT him in prison.
And your whore of a mother, too.
And tell the stupid cunts their stalking is stupid.
I've seen newsboy hat before.
Is your clown hair father fucking that bitch at the boston dump?
My. He's so well connected.
Not troubling at all. When he starts swirling the drain they will desert him like rats.
Which is what he deserves.
He is a lazy good for nothing piece of scum dog shit making a life for his fucked up family off the misery and terrorization of innocent people.
You know GODDAMN WELL you targeted him.
I wish you would fucking hang yourself and get it over with.
Nothing disgusts me more than a young person fucking over another young person. You are NOTHING. FUCKING NOTHING. You live in a mansion built ON SKULLS of the victims of your pig of a father.
In comparison, a Nebraska avenue prostitute smells like a rose. You and they rot from the inside and destroy everyone around you NOT IN ON your goddamn meth dealing fucking friends' lifestyle
the woman who died screaming on himes and then crack stytch became "annoying". Yeah. Bags of fucking meth/heroin/crack at orlando mcdonald's.
Fucking PIECE OF SHIT. that's your fault now that you are an adult. No blaming mommy for what YOU ARE. WHAT YOU DID TO HIM and to OUR FAMILY you fucking no good slut.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Colin Christine Robert not Honorable ONeill and TFR CON MEN friends
Wow, Colin you can only IMAGINE my surprise that it took twenty clicks to trace Euclid back to you and the usual con and the usual S C U M. SCUM. I am putting VERY serious consideration into taking you and your cunts to federal court. It will have to be held at the fucking stadium. You can bring the fucking beer if you paid your tab yet.
Here's this boy supplying the goodies the whores and the fuckin cheap rent in that chock a block dump your daughter wanted to be so helpful for .. is she completely bald yet? YOUR WIFE IS POISONING HER. never stroke a stroker, hon. .... anyway I don't say that in a mean nasty way.. something is FUCKING WRONG. I notice all the road trips to doctors QUELLED long about the time I ignored that fucking shit for days shades of daniella moynihan of publix fame.
Anyway .. you think the NON PHONE ANSWERING many times foreclosed ron Glas who is partnered up with the SON of this fucking CON MAN's brother over there at 750 westshore is getting any favors from your IRA self????? Not that you have any to give but I also found that broker investment counselor account of andrew right, JR. yknow ... interesting, Colin, former investment broker. Another fucking thief on the skids fucking with my family. With a fireman or two on premise to buttress the crack dealers and under age whores.
Motherfucker. you. are. fucking. WITH. THE. Wrong. One.
Con man likely bilked millions
Residents fall prey to scams
8:54 AM, Feb. 5, 2008 | Comments
Purchase Image Hope Thomas, in the home she is renting in Satellite Beach, says she lost her inheritance in a scam orchestrated by a man she once considered a friend. Alexander Wright is at the center of a Brevard County check-kiting case. / Tim Shortt, FLORIDA TODAY
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Hope Thomas was a yoga instructor with a 1 1/2-year-old son and a $400,000 inheritance when she met Alexander Wright shortly after his release from federal prison in 2005. Wright was an accomplished con man whose previous targets included banks and the U.S. government.
It was a relationship destined to end badly. Today, Thomas, who invested and lost most of her money with Wright in what was supposed to be a 10-day loan, isn't sure how she will pay the bills for herself and her young son, Noah. Local prosecutors decided not to file charges in her case because it was a loan.
But Thomas is just one of many who say they've been conned by Wright who was involved in everything from land deals to a Key West restaurant to, most recently, an Indialantic construction company, Southern Building Systems, according to county and state records. He also has a criminal record stretching back to 1979. It includes:
•A 10-year sentence in federal court in Georgia in 1986 for his part in a check-kiting ring that preyed on banks in three states. Wright served two years and seven months before being paroled.
•An indictment in August in U.S. District Court in Orlando on 42 counts of bank fraud for allegedly scamming Brevard County banks out of more than $1.5 million in another check-kiting scheme. He was released on bond later that month and is next due in court Nov. 16.
•Allegations in federal court records in Orlando that he ran a Ponzi scheme that bilked local professionals out of hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Thomas, who spent Thanksgiving and Christmas last year with Wright, said she had trouble believing that the friend who talked about making her a beneficiary of his life insurance policy would take the money she had counted on to guarantee her son's financial future.
"I thought he might have this history . . . but he wouldn't steal from Noah," said Thomas who met Wright through a friend. "No way. He wouldn't take all of Noah's money."
Her disbelief is echoed by Wright's other investors and associates, who said they liked the gregarious man who charmed his way into investors' lives and portfolios with flowers and financial advice. Wright, who uses a wheelchair, seemed to have overcome the traffic accident that left him partially paralyzed at age 16.
Not everyone is surprised.
"I never saw so many angry people," said Nancy Harrington, who briefly worked as a receptionist for Wright's company last summer. "All day long, the only calls I got were disgruntled: 'Where is my money?' It was embarrassing to even work there. One time a woman came in so upset that everyone ran in their offices and locked their doors."
Wright has lived in a duplex owned by his brother since his release from the Orange County Jail on the check-kiting indictment. Another man answered the door recently, and Wright rolled up in his wheelchair before rebuffing a FLORIDA TODAY reporter's questions. He smiled.
"Have a good day," Wright said before slamming the door.
Brevard beginnings
The last day that Wright, now 50, would be able to walk was July 28, 1973, same day as the launch of the Skylab II space mission. As friends tell it, he was driving on the Melbourne causeway when he went off the road and hit an Australian pine. Four days earlier, he had been cited for driving while intoxicated, state records show.
Wright lived with his widowed mother. And a former classmate remembers Wright hosting parties at the house. His father, Andrew, who had been a lieutenant colonel at Patrick Air Force Base, died in 1972.
Interesting. We're almost related I too have a history with the brass at Patrick. Colin.
"He was a wild child," high school classmate Lynn Lorusso remembered of Wright.
The accident fractured Wright's spine, paralyzing him from the chest down. Friends visited him in the hospital where he talked about recovering and becoming a lawyer someday.
Wright resumed his studies at Melbourne High in 1974, but the district doesn't have any record of his graduation. The closest Wright came to practicing law was writing motions representing himself in at least one of his own criminal cases.
He did not succeed at it. Wright served time for weapons possession and conspiracy to commit bank fraud in the 1980s in Georgia.
Later, he started a construction company called A.W. & Associates in Florida and used it to bilk the U.S. Air Force and subcontractors out of more than $490,000 in a $4.2 million contract at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa in 1992 and 1993, court records show.
He later lied about his assets when the company went bankrupt, according to court records. Wright was convicted in Panama City in 1995 of concealing assets from bankruptcy court and later pleaded guilty to mail fraud and money laundering in Tampa. He was sentenced to 45 months and 13 days.
In the middle of his Florida criminal cases, Wright moved to Oregon where he bought half-ownership in a small wheelchair company that he helped run even after he was sent to prison on the Florida charges.
The company sold elevator lifts to handicapped customers and churches but never delivered them, and at least $11 million was missing or owed to creditors, according to reports in The (Portland) Oregonian, which cited judgments, tax liens and police estimates.
COLIN WHAT A FUCKING SCUMBAG. I thought YOU were a scumbag but this motherfucker IS YOU ON STEROIDS. Like bobby.
During his involvement with the company, Wright was freed from prison and violated the terms of his release by leaving Oregon without permission and running up bills in the thousands to take chartered jets to Las Vegas, California and Florida, according to court records.
From Oregon, Wright moved to Pennsylvania in 2001. There, he persuaded others to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars with him -- in what they thought was the stock market -- before Wright fled town in a limousine, according to Pennsylvania State Police.
His most recent stint in U.S. prison was a 14-month sentence for violating his supervised release from the federal cases in Florida.
"He's been doing this for a long time," said Timothy Knapp, the Pennsylvania state trooper who arrested Wright. "He's not a rookie."
Regardless of who was behind it, the check-kiting scheme described in the August indictment would have required skill and sophistication.
Bank-fraud indictment
The brochures for Florida Business Bank tout it as "Brevard's only business bank for solutions that mean business." The bank's single branch, near the banks of the Indian River in Melbourne, ranked 15th among Brevard County's commercial banks this year with about $115 million in deposits.
In 60 days, from March 27 to May 25, Wright deposited $7.86 million in bad checks at the bank, ultimately costing the bank more than $1.3 million, court documents show. The amounts don't match up, as they usually don't in check-kiting scams, as Wright allegedly deposited bad checks among accounts to try to keep the kite going as long as possible. Bank of America, another bank where Wright had accounts, lost about $227,000, according to court records.
A Florida Business Bank account at the center of the check-kiting scheme was set up in the name of Southern Building Systems. The federal indictment also lists an account set up in the name of MBA Investment Group.
Wright deposited about $5.3 million in the SBS account, checks that were worthless because stop-payment orders were issued on them, court documents show. Wright allegedly took advantage of the "float time" between when the checks were deposited and when Florida Business Bank learned of the stop-payment orders. In the interim, Wright fraudulently wrote checks and made wire transfers, the indictment says.
The money appears to have gone to pay off past problems, court records show. The wire transfers from the SBS account include $200,000 for a margin trading account in the name of Andrew Wright, Wright's older brother, at a commodities futures broker. The account had monthly losses as high as $317,462, according to court records. Andrew Wright also initially was charged in the check-kiting scheme, but charges against him have been dropped.A $280,000 wire transfer from an MBA Investment Group account at Florida Business Bank went to a bank in Uniontown, Pa., where most of it apparently was applied to court-ordered restitution to a Uniontown man.
Brevard County investor Mike Russell said he had warned Florida Business Bank President Daryl Bishop about Wright in March, about the time that the alleged check kiting started, after he talked with one of Wright's previous investors. He said he asked Bishop if the bank had done a criminal background check on Wright.
"I said, 'I'm not going to do business with the Wright brothers. . . . For me, they're the wrong people,'" Russell said. "He said that wasn't their normal operation or procedure. I said, 'Well, just beware.' "
Bishop wouldn't comment about Wright. Bill Koehne, the chief operating officer of Florida Business Bank, said the bank has changed its procedures because of the check-kiting scheme but wouldn't say how.
"The kite did not affect us financially," Koehne said.
New connections
Despite Wright's past, he was able to charm his way into new connections when he got out of prison and returned to his hometown. And he solicited unwitting investors into what court documents call "a suspected Ponzi scheme."
Realtor Diane McConnell loaned Alexander and Andrew Wright $200,000 in 2006. Orthopedic surgeon Jeffrey O'Brien loaned Alexander Wright $100,000 for two months.
"When you're in the throes of investing with him, you don't even think about it," McConnell said. "It's only afterwards you say, 'How could I have done this?' "
Hope Thomas, the ripped-off mother from Satellite Beach who met Wright through a friend, had inherited her money after her parents died in a plane crash in 1974 when she was 2. Wright took her to Key West and baby-sat her son.
"He was always talking about the future, what's the best to do with your future for Noah," Thomas said.
She bought a lot in Indialantic from a company connected to Wright's brother and hired Southern Building Systems to build a new house where she planned to live with her son.
In December, Wright persuaded her to loan him $400,000 from the Merrill Lynch account holding her inheritance. The loan was to be for ten days, but Wright persuaded her to let him keep the money for longer and pay her $20,000 a month. She also had loaned him $150,000 from the sale of a house to invest in the stock market.
Wright still was making payments to Thomas when her roommate told her to "Google" Wright's name online. Newspaper articles detailing his scams came up. In May, checks from Wright started to bounce.
Today, Thomas' two-story yellow house in Indialantic stands unfinished. Contractors have filed liens against Thomas for unpaid bills, including one by Southern Building Systems, Wright's company, for $44,100.
In July, Thomas, who is pregnant, lost one of the twins she was carrying, something she blames on stress. Wright sent her $50 worth of flowers with a card saying he was sorry for her loss.
At first, she was puzzled by the bouquet. "Loss? What does he mean?" Thomas said. "Sorry you lost all your money?"
The florist, Vicki Lichti at Petals Flower & Gift Shoppe, said Wright hasn't paid for the flowers.
Contact Okeson at 242-3673 or sokeson@floridatoday.com.
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AND CURRENTLY we have my family member involved with another of Wright's relatives.
Amazing amount of work done at a place which is owned by a guy facing foreclosure. It kinda appears he is running a crack dump though. I mean IT REALLY APPEARS THAT WAY TO ME.
Get Email Updates
Executive Bio Detail
Andrew Wright
CEO and Managing Partner
500 NW Shore Blvd
Suite 750
Tampa FL, 33609
Email: Andrew.Wright@franklinstreetfinancial.com
Phone: 813-839-7300 Ext: 308
As CEO and Managing Partner, Andrew Wright develops and defines strategic goals and major initiatives for Franklin Street. He has deep experience in the industry, with personal involvement in over $1 billion worth of real estate transactions. At Franklin Street, he has led the growth of the asset management portfolio to more than $200 million, and has been involved in more than $250 million worth of financing transactions.
Mr. Wright specializes in helping clients thrive in a distressed real estate market. Since 2006, he has been involved in loan workouts totaling more than $250 million, and in the past two years, has helped clients in 18 Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases. These efforts have involved working with a wide range of financial institutions, such as Bank of America, CW Capital, Wells Fargo and Torchlight Fund.
His professional accolades include being named to Gulf Coast Business Review’s “40 Under 40” list of top young west-central Florida business leaders in 2010, and being one of the youngest employees ever honored with the National Achievement Award from Marcus and Millichap, where he was an Investment Sales Broker prior to founding Franklin Street.
Extremely active in the commercial real estate industry, Mr. Wright maintains memberships in The National Housing Council‚ the International Council of Shopping Centers‚ the Urban Land Institute, the Bay Area Apartment Association, Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce‚ Florida Apartment Association‚ and Florida Tax Watch.He has a degree in Finance and Business Statistics from Miami University in Oxford‚ Ohio‚ and is a licensed real estate broker in the state of Florida
That whole Ohio ummm SHOPPING CENTER THANG is interesting too, COLIN.
Crack dumps owned by Ronald Glas.
RONALD GLAS equals Barfield Bay and apparently some connection to Charlie Wells ... MANATEE... oh... back to you and Robert O'Neill, Colin you ass crack licker.
Is Charlie still alive?
Like Tom D'iauto he is private dicking right now, right???
BB&T seeks foreclosure of Barfield Bay’s Brentwood Apartments
Tampa Bay Business Journal - by Janet Leiser, Staff writer
Date: Thursday, October 22, 2009, 11:06am EDT
Related:Commercial Real Estate A Naples company that owns apartment complexes throughout Florida, including nearly 20 developments in Hillsborough and Pinellas counties, is facing another foreclosure, this one on Brentwood Apartments Tampa.
It’s the second lawsuit brought by Branch Banking & Trust Co. Branch Banking & Trust Co. Latest from The Business Journals BB&T regional president not afraid of tough timesThanks to Regions, church rises from foreclosureChait surrenders Tamarac site Follow this company against a limited liability company in Hillsborough County owned by Barfield Bay Holdings Inc. of Naples and Ronald Glas, firm president, court records show.
The most recent lawsuit, filed Oct. 13 in the 13th Judicial Circuit, seeks to foreclose on the 180-unit complex at 8741 Grove Trail for a $9.4 million loan issued in May 2007 to Brentwood Apartments Tampa LLC.
Branch Banking & Trust, a subsidiary of Winston Salem, N.C.-based BB&T Corp., bought the loan from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Latest from The Business Journals PNC CEO says RBC cuts within 6 monthsPNC chief establishes time line on RBC cuts BB&T suing Atlanta developers for .5M Follow this company as receiver of Colonial Bank Colonial Bank Latest from The Business Journals BB&T suing Atlanta developers for .5MBB&T suing Isakson Living developersFirst Southern Bank names Wines president Follow this company .
In addition, Branch Banking & Trust has a Hillsborough foreclosure pending on Brookside Tampa Apartments over a $16.7 million loan it also acquired from Colonial.
Glas did not return a call seeking comment.
Barfield Bay’s Web site shows the company also owns Amberton Apartments, Brittany Apartments, Carlyle at Waters, Central Park Apartments, Dauphine, French Quarter Apartments, Rivertree Landings Apartments, Terrace Pointe Apartments and Westwinds Apartments, all in Hillsborough.
Wells Fargo Bank, as trustee for Merrill Lynch Merrill Lynch Latest from The Business Journals Bank of America posts .8B loss in Q2Bank of America posts .8 billion loss in second quarterBank of America posts .8 billion loss in second quarter Follow this company , has brought two lawsuits this year seeking to foreclose on Hidden River Grande and RivertrLanding, ...
A Naples company that owns apartment complexes throughout Florida, including nearly 20 developments in Hillsborough and Pinellas counties, is facing another foreclosure, this one on Brentwood Apartments Tampa.
It’s the second lawsuit brought by Branch Banking & Trust Co. Branch Banking & Trust Co. Latest from The Business Journals BB&T regional president not afraid of tough timesThanks to Regions, church rises from foreclosureChait surrenders Tamarac site Follow this company against a limited liability company in Hillsborough County owned by Barfield Bay Holdings Inc. of Naples and Ronald Glas, firm president, court records show.
The most recent lawsuit, filed Oct. 13 in the 13th Judicial Circuit, seeks to foreclose on the 180-unit complex at 8741 Grove Trail for a $9.4 million loan issued in May 2007 to Brentwood Apartments Tampa LLC.
Branch Banking & Trust, a subsidiary of Winston Salem, N.C.-based BB&T Corp., bought the loan from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Latest from The Business Journals PNC CEO says RBC cuts within 6 monthsPNC chief establishes time line on RBC cuts BB&T suing Atlanta developers for .5M Follow this company as receiver of Colonial Bank Colonial Bank Latest from The Business Journals BB&T suing Atlanta developers for .5MBB&T suing Isakson Living developersFirst Southern Bank names Wines president Follow this company .
In addition, Branch Banking & Trust has a Hillsborough foreclosure pending on Brookside Tampa Apartments over a $16.7 million loan it also acquired from Colonial.
Glas did not return a call seeking comment.
Barfield Bay’s Web site shows the company also owns Amberton Apartments, Brittany Apartments, Carlyle at Waters, Central Park Apartments, Dauphine, French Quarter Apartments, Rivertree Landings Apartments, Terrace Pointe Apartments and Westwinds Apartments, all in Hillsborough.
Wells Fargo Bank, as trustee for Merrill Lynch Merrill Lynch Latest from The Business Journals Bank of America posts .8B loss in Q2Bank of America posts .8 billion loss in second quarterBank of America posts .8 billion loss in second quarter Follow this company , has brought two lawsuits this year seeking to foreclose on Hidden River Grande and Rivertree Landing, records show.
Plus, Whitney National Bank Whitney National Bank Latest from The Business Journals Former Whitney Bank president joining RegionsNonprofits respond to compelling needs, accomplish grand featsFollowing Morgan Keegan news, Regions combines insurance, trust Follow this company filed a lawsuit to foreclose on a $4.5 million loan secured by Brittany Apartments.
In Pinellas, Barfield Bay owns Pinellas Pointe, Plaza Arms, Tanglewood Apartments, Waterside Village Apartments, Palma Ceia and Woodlawn Apartments, all in St. Petersburg; and Norton Apartments in Clearwater.
Barfield Bay Holdings is obviously not the only landlord facing financial issues with maturing loans or overleveraged projects, said T. Sean Lance, managing director at NAI Tampa Bay.
NAI Tampa Bay is tracking 30,000 distressed apartment units in Tampa, Orlando and Southwest Florida, Lance said. “There are a number of ownership groups out there that are in trouble,” he said.
For the most part, foreclosures on apartments don’t affect the tenants, unless maintenance is deferred for financial reasons, Lance said. “Ownership can change without the tenants even realizing it,” he said.
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AND it has NOT been sold so this foreclosure guy went to all that work to make that shit filled crack dump look better. Pouring money in with firemen help and fire thangs there and fire protection and all.
We'll find out.
I just wondered if any of these names were on your list of BUDS????
Bullard Bay, Hiawassee, Ronald Glas, Andrew Wright .. yknow it just SEEMS IMPROBABLE that such a young guy (please see the franklin street financial partners link or google it at 750 westshore those puke colored things next to the bush brothers L3 on westshore across from westshore mall) would get any money like this. Come ON .. he's not old enough to have buried himself this deep.
But YOU ARE you nasty piece of dog shit.
Click through to all of them ...
I smell Robert ALL OVER the illegal dump in that apartment complex. Ima expect to see rotund Kevin White your new cocaine partner lounging out by the pool. Christ. NEW LAWN CHAIRS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wiki Corp.
Here's this boy supplying the goodies the whores and the fuckin cheap rent in that chock a block dump your daughter wanted to be so helpful for .. is she completely bald yet? YOUR WIFE IS POISONING HER. never stroke a stroker, hon. .... anyway I don't say that in a mean nasty way.. something is FUCKING WRONG. I notice all the road trips to doctors QUELLED long about the time I ignored that fucking shit for days shades of daniella moynihan of publix fame.
Anyway .. you think the NON PHONE ANSWERING many times foreclosed ron Glas who is partnered up with the SON of this fucking CON MAN's brother over there at 750 westshore is getting any favors from your IRA self????? Not that you have any to give but I also found that broker investment counselor account of andrew right, JR. yknow ... interesting, Colin, former investment broker. Another fucking thief on the skids fucking with my family. With a fireman or two on premise to buttress the crack dealers and under age whores.
Motherfucker. you. are. fucking. WITH. THE. Wrong. One.
Con man likely bilked millions
Residents fall prey to scams
8:54 AM, Feb. 5, 2008 | Comments
Purchase Image Hope Thomas, in the home she is renting in Satellite Beach, says she lost her inheritance in a scam orchestrated by a man she once considered a friend. Alexander Wright is at the center of a Brevard County check-kiting case. / Tim Shortt, FLORIDA TODAY
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Hope Thomas was a yoga instructor with a 1 1/2-year-old son and a $400,000 inheritance when she met Alexander Wright shortly after his release from federal prison in 2005. Wright was an accomplished con man whose previous targets included banks and the U.S. government.
It was a relationship destined to end badly. Today, Thomas, who invested and lost most of her money with Wright in what was supposed to be a 10-day loan, isn't sure how she will pay the bills for herself and her young son, Noah. Local prosecutors decided not to file charges in her case because it was a loan.
But Thomas is just one of many who say they've been conned by Wright who was involved in everything from land deals to a Key West restaurant to, most recently, an Indialantic construction company, Southern Building Systems, according to county and state records. He also has a criminal record stretching back to 1979. It includes:
•A 10-year sentence in federal court in Georgia in 1986 for his part in a check-kiting ring that preyed on banks in three states. Wright served two years and seven months before being paroled.
•An indictment in August in U.S. District Court in Orlando on 42 counts of bank fraud for allegedly scamming Brevard County banks out of more than $1.5 million in another check-kiting scheme. He was released on bond later that month and is next due in court Nov. 16.
•Allegations in federal court records in Orlando that he ran a Ponzi scheme that bilked local professionals out of hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Thomas, who spent Thanksgiving and Christmas last year with Wright, said she had trouble believing that the friend who talked about making her a beneficiary of his life insurance policy would take the money she had counted on to guarantee her son's financial future.
"I thought he might have this history . . . but he wouldn't steal from Noah," said Thomas who met Wright through a friend. "No way. He wouldn't take all of Noah's money."
Her disbelief is echoed by Wright's other investors and associates, who said they liked the gregarious man who charmed his way into investors' lives and portfolios with flowers and financial advice. Wright, who uses a wheelchair, seemed to have overcome the traffic accident that left him partially paralyzed at age 16.
Not everyone is surprised.
"I never saw so many angry people," said Nancy Harrington, who briefly worked as a receptionist for Wright's company last summer. "All day long, the only calls I got were disgruntled: 'Where is my money?' It was embarrassing to even work there. One time a woman came in so upset that everyone ran in their offices and locked their doors."
Wright has lived in a duplex owned by his brother since his release from the Orange County Jail on the check-kiting indictment. Another man answered the door recently, and Wright rolled up in his wheelchair before rebuffing a FLORIDA TODAY reporter's questions. He smiled.
"Have a good day," Wright said before slamming the door.
Brevard beginnings
The last day that Wright, now 50, would be able to walk was July 28, 1973, same day as the launch of the Skylab II space mission. As friends tell it, he was driving on the Melbourne causeway when he went off the road and hit an Australian pine. Four days earlier, he had been cited for driving while intoxicated, state records show.
Wright lived with his widowed mother. And a former classmate remembers Wright hosting parties at the house. His father, Andrew, who had been a lieutenant colonel at Patrick Air Force Base, died in 1972.
Interesting. We're almost related I too have a history with the brass at Patrick. Colin.
"He was a wild child," high school classmate Lynn Lorusso remembered of Wright.
The accident fractured Wright's spine, paralyzing him from the chest down. Friends visited him in the hospital where he talked about recovering and becoming a lawyer someday.
Wright resumed his studies at Melbourne High in 1974, but the district doesn't have any record of his graduation. The closest Wright came to practicing law was writing motions representing himself in at least one of his own criminal cases.
He did not succeed at it. Wright served time for weapons possession and conspiracy to commit bank fraud in the 1980s in Georgia.
Later, he started a construction company called A.W. & Associates in Florida and used it to bilk the U.S. Air Force and subcontractors out of more than $490,000 in a $4.2 million contract at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa in 1992 and 1993, court records show.
He later lied about his assets when the company went bankrupt, according to court records. Wright was convicted in Panama City in 1995 of concealing assets from bankruptcy court and later pleaded guilty to mail fraud and money laundering in Tampa. He was sentenced to 45 months and 13 days.
In the middle of his Florida criminal cases, Wright moved to Oregon where he bought half-ownership in a small wheelchair company that he helped run even after he was sent to prison on the Florida charges.
The company sold elevator lifts to handicapped customers and churches but never delivered them, and at least $11 million was missing or owed to creditors, according to reports in The (Portland) Oregonian, which cited judgments, tax liens and police estimates.
COLIN WHAT A FUCKING SCUMBAG. I thought YOU were a scumbag but this motherfucker IS YOU ON STEROIDS. Like bobby.
During his involvement with the company, Wright was freed from prison and violated the terms of his release by leaving Oregon without permission and running up bills in the thousands to take chartered jets to Las Vegas, California and Florida, according to court records.
From Oregon, Wright moved to Pennsylvania in 2001. There, he persuaded others to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars with him -- in what they thought was the stock market -- before Wright fled town in a limousine, according to Pennsylvania State Police.
His most recent stint in U.S. prison was a 14-month sentence for violating his supervised release from the federal cases in Florida.
"He's been doing this for a long time," said Timothy Knapp, the Pennsylvania state trooper who arrested Wright. "He's not a rookie."
Regardless of who was behind it, the check-kiting scheme described in the August indictment would have required skill and sophistication.
Bank-fraud indictment
The brochures for Florida Business Bank tout it as "Brevard's only business bank for solutions that mean business." The bank's single branch, near the banks of the Indian River in Melbourne, ranked 15th among Brevard County's commercial banks this year with about $115 million in deposits.
In 60 days, from March 27 to May 25, Wright deposited $7.86 million in bad checks at the bank, ultimately costing the bank more than $1.3 million, court documents show. The amounts don't match up, as they usually don't in check-kiting scams, as Wright allegedly deposited bad checks among accounts to try to keep the kite going as long as possible. Bank of America, another bank where Wright had accounts, lost about $227,000, according to court records.
A Florida Business Bank account at the center of the check-kiting scheme was set up in the name of Southern Building Systems. The federal indictment also lists an account set up in the name of MBA Investment Group.
Wright deposited about $5.3 million in the SBS account, checks that were worthless because stop-payment orders were issued on them, court documents show. Wright allegedly took advantage of the "float time" between when the checks were deposited and when Florida Business Bank learned of the stop-payment orders. In the interim, Wright fraudulently wrote checks and made wire transfers, the indictment says.
The money appears to have gone to pay off past problems, court records show. The wire transfers from the SBS account include $200,000 for a margin trading account in the name of Andrew Wright, Wright's older brother, at a commodities futures broker. The account had monthly losses as high as $317,462, according to court records. Andrew Wright also initially was charged in the check-kiting scheme, but charges against him have been dropped.A $280,000 wire transfer from an MBA Investment Group account at Florida Business Bank went to a bank in Uniontown, Pa., where most of it apparently was applied to court-ordered restitution to a Uniontown man.
Brevard County investor Mike Russell said he had warned Florida Business Bank President Daryl Bishop about Wright in March, about the time that the alleged check kiting started, after he talked with one of Wright's previous investors. He said he asked Bishop if the bank had done a criminal background check on Wright.
"I said, 'I'm not going to do business with the Wright brothers. . . . For me, they're the wrong people,'" Russell said. "He said that wasn't their normal operation or procedure. I said, 'Well, just beware.' "
Bishop wouldn't comment about Wright. Bill Koehne, the chief operating officer of Florida Business Bank, said the bank has changed its procedures because of the check-kiting scheme but wouldn't say how.
"The kite did not affect us financially," Koehne said.
New connections
Despite Wright's past, he was able to charm his way into new connections when he got out of prison and returned to his hometown. And he solicited unwitting investors into what court documents call "a suspected Ponzi scheme."
Realtor Diane McConnell loaned Alexander and Andrew Wright $200,000 in 2006. Orthopedic surgeon Jeffrey O'Brien loaned Alexander Wright $100,000 for two months.
"When you're in the throes of investing with him, you don't even think about it," McConnell said. "It's only afterwards you say, 'How could I have done this?' "
Hope Thomas, the ripped-off mother from Satellite Beach who met Wright through a friend, had inherited her money after her parents died in a plane crash in 1974 when she was 2. Wright took her to Key West and baby-sat her son.
"He was always talking about the future, what's the best to do with your future for Noah," Thomas said.
She bought a lot in Indialantic from a company connected to Wright's brother and hired Southern Building Systems to build a new house where she planned to live with her son.
In December, Wright persuaded her to loan him $400,000 from the Merrill Lynch account holding her inheritance. The loan was to be for ten days, but Wright persuaded her to let him keep the money for longer and pay her $20,000 a month. She also had loaned him $150,000 from the sale of a house to invest in the stock market.
Wright still was making payments to Thomas when her roommate told her to "Google" Wright's name online. Newspaper articles detailing his scams came up. In May, checks from Wright started to bounce.
Today, Thomas' two-story yellow house in Indialantic stands unfinished. Contractors have filed liens against Thomas for unpaid bills, including one by Southern Building Systems, Wright's company, for $44,100.
In July, Thomas, who is pregnant, lost one of the twins she was carrying, something she blames on stress. Wright sent her $50 worth of flowers with a card saying he was sorry for her loss.
At first, she was puzzled by the bouquet. "Loss? What does he mean?" Thomas said. "Sorry you lost all your money?"
The florist, Vicki Lichti at Petals Flower & Gift Shoppe, said Wright hasn't paid for the flowers.
Contact Okeson at 242-3673 or sokeson@floridatoday.com.
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AND CURRENTLY we have my family member involved with another of Wright's relatives.
Amazing amount of work done at a place which is owned by a guy facing foreclosure. It kinda appears he is running a crack dump though. I mean IT REALLY APPEARS THAT WAY TO ME.
Get Email Updates
Executive Bio Detail
Andrew Wright
CEO and Managing Partner
500 NW Shore Blvd
Suite 750
Tampa FL, 33609
Email: Andrew.Wright@franklinstreetfinancial.com
Phone: 813-839-7300 Ext: 308
As CEO and Managing Partner, Andrew Wright develops and defines strategic goals and major initiatives for Franklin Street. He has deep experience in the industry, with personal involvement in over $1 billion worth of real estate transactions. At Franklin Street, he has led the growth of the asset management portfolio to more than $200 million, and has been involved in more than $250 million worth of financing transactions.
Mr. Wright specializes in helping clients thrive in a distressed real estate market. Since 2006, he has been involved in loan workouts totaling more than $250 million, and in the past two years, has helped clients in 18 Chapter 11 bankruptcy cases. These efforts have involved working with a wide range of financial institutions, such as Bank of America, CW Capital, Wells Fargo and Torchlight Fund.
His professional accolades include being named to Gulf Coast Business Review’s “40 Under 40” list of top young west-central Florida business leaders in 2010, and being one of the youngest employees ever honored with the National Achievement Award from Marcus and Millichap, where he was an Investment Sales Broker prior to founding Franklin Street.
Extremely active in the commercial real estate industry, Mr. Wright maintains memberships in The National Housing Council‚ the International Council of Shopping Centers‚ the Urban Land Institute, the Bay Area Apartment Association, Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce‚ Florida Apartment Association‚ and Florida Tax Watch.He has a degree in Finance and Business Statistics from Miami University in Oxford‚ Ohio‚ and is a licensed real estate broker in the state of Florida
That whole Ohio ummm SHOPPING CENTER THANG is interesting too, COLIN.
Crack dumps owned by Ronald Glas.
RONALD GLAS equals Barfield Bay and apparently some connection to Charlie Wells ... MANATEE... oh... back to you and Robert O'Neill, Colin you ass crack licker.
Is Charlie still alive?
Like Tom D'iauto he is private dicking right now, right???
BB&T seeks foreclosure of Barfield Bay’s Brentwood Apartments
Tampa Bay Business Journal - by Janet Leiser, Staff writer
Date: Thursday, October 22, 2009, 11:06am EDT
Related:Commercial Real Estate A Naples company that owns apartment complexes throughout Florida, including nearly 20 developments in Hillsborough and Pinellas counties, is facing another foreclosure, this one on Brentwood Apartments Tampa.
It’s the second lawsuit brought by Branch Banking & Trust Co. Branch Banking & Trust Co. Latest from The Business Journals BB&T regional president not afraid of tough timesThanks to Regions, church rises from foreclosureChait surrenders Tamarac site Follow this company against a limited liability company in Hillsborough County owned by Barfield Bay Holdings Inc. of Naples and Ronald Glas, firm president, court records show.
The most recent lawsuit, filed Oct. 13 in the 13th Judicial Circuit, seeks to foreclose on the 180-unit complex at 8741 Grove Trail for a $9.4 million loan issued in May 2007 to Brentwood Apartments Tampa LLC.
Branch Banking & Trust, a subsidiary of Winston Salem, N.C.-based BB&T Corp., bought the loan from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Latest from The Business Journals PNC CEO says RBC cuts within 6 monthsPNC chief establishes time line on RBC cuts BB&T suing Atlanta developers for .5M Follow this company as receiver of Colonial Bank Colonial Bank Latest from The Business Journals BB&T suing Atlanta developers for .5MBB&T suing Isakson Living developersFirst Southern Bank names Wines president Follow this company .
In addition, Branch Banking & Trust has a Hillsborough foreclosure pending on Brookside Tampa Apartments over a $16.7 million loan it also acquired from Colonial.
Glas did not return a call seeking comment.
Barfield Bay’s Web site shows the company also owns Amberton Apartments, Brittany Apartments, Carlyle at Waters, Central Park Apartments, Dauphine, French Quarter Apartments, Rivertree Landings Apartments, Terrace Pointe Apartments and Westwinds Apartments, all in Hillsborough.
Wells Fargo Bank, as trustee for Merrill Lynch Merrill Lynch Latest from The Business Journals Bank of America posts .8B loss in Q2Bank of America posts .8 billion loss in second quarterBank of America posts .8 billion loss in second quarter Follow this company , has brought two lawsuits this year seeking to foreclose on Hidden River Grande and RivertrLanding, ...
A Naples company that owns apartment complexes throughout Florida, including nearly 20 developments in Hillsborough and Pinellas counties, is facing another foreclosure, this one on Brentwood Apartments Tampa.
It’s the second lawsuit brought by Branch Banking & Trust Co. Branch Banking & Trust Co. Latest from The Business Journals BB&T regional president not afraid of tough timesThanks to Regions, church rises from foreclosureChait surrenders Tamarac site Follow this company against a limited liability company in Hillsborough County owned by Barfield Bay Holdings Inc. of Naples and Ronald Glas, firm president, court records show.
The most recent lawsuit, filed Oct. 13 in the 13th Judicial Circuit, seeks to foreclose on the 180-unit complex at 8741 Grove Trail for a $9.4 million loan issued in May 2007 to Brentwood Apartments Tampa LLC.
Branch Banking & Trust, a subsidiary of Winston Salem, N.C.-based BB&T Corp., bought the loan from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Latest from The Business Journals PNC CEO says RBC cuts within 6 monthsPNC chief establishes time line on RBC cuts BB&T suing Atlanta developers for .5M Follow this company as receiver of Colonial Bank Colonial Bank Latest from The Business Journals BB&T suing Atlanta developers for .5MBB&T suing Isakson Living developersFirst Southern Bank names Wines president Follow this company .
In addition, Branch Banking & Trust has a Hillsborough foreclosure pending on Brookside Tampa Apartments over a $16.7 million loan it also acquired from Colonial.
Glas did not return a call seeking comment.
Barfield Bay’s Web site shows the company also owns Amberton Apartments, Brittany Apartments, Carlyle at Waters, Central Park Apartments, Dauphine, French Quarter Apartments, Rivertree Landings Apartments, Terrace Pointe Apartments and Westwinds Apartments, all in Hillsborough.
Wells Fargo Bank, as trustee for Merrill Lynch Merrill Lynch Latest from The Business Journals Bank of America posts .8B loss in Q2Bank of America posts .8 billion loss in second quarterBank of America posts .8 billion loss in second quarter Follow this company , has brought two lawsuits this year seeking to foreclose on Hidden River Grande and Rivertree Landing, records show.
Plus, Whitney National Bank Whitney National Bank Latest from The Business Journals Former Whitney Bank president joining RegionsNonprofits respond to compelling needs, accomplish grand featsFollowing Morgan Keegan news, Regions combines insurance, trust Follow this company filed a lawsuit to foreclose on a $4.5 million loan secured by Brittany Apartments.
In Pinellas, Barfield Bay owns Pinellas Pointe, Plaza Arms, Tanglewood Apartments, Waterside Village Apartments, Palma Ceia and Woodlawn Apartments, all in St. Petersburg; and Norton Apartments in Clearwater.
Barfield Bay Holdings is obviously not the only landlord facing financial issues with maturing loans or overleveraged projects, said T. Sean Lance, managing director at NAI Tampa Bay.
NAI Tampa Bay is tracking 30,000 distressed apartment units in Tampa, Orlando and Southwest Florida, Lance said. “There are a number of ownership groups out there that are in trouble,” he said.
For the most part, foreclosures on apartments don’t affect the tenants, unless maintenance is deferred for financial reasons, Lance said. “Ownership can change without the tenants even realizing it,” he said.
Read Full Article
AND it has NOT been sold so this foreclosure guy went to all that work to make that shit filled crack dump look better. Pouring money in with firemen help and fire thangs there and fire protection and all.
We'll find out.
I just wondered if any of these names were on your list of BUDS????
Bullard Bay, Hiawassee, Ronald Glas, Andrew Wright .. yknow it just SEEMS IMPROBABLE that such a young guy (please see the franklin street financial partners link or google it at 750 westshore those puke colored things next to the bush brothers L3 on westshore across from westshore mall) would get any money like this. Come ON .. he's not old enough to have buried himself this deep.
But YOU ARE you nasty piece of dog shit.
Click through to all of them ...
I smell Robert ALL OVER the illegal dump in that apartment complex. Ima expect to see rotund Kevin White your new cocaine partner lounging out by the pool. Christ. NEW LAWN CHAIRS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wiki Corp.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
For Christine and Colin and the SCUM BIKERS and OTHER TRASH
What Tampa needs is a COLON cleansing. I mean a COLIN CLEANSING.
Once your wife revealed (on video) that she knew what was going on in OUR CAR and then again after Breaking Benjamin IT WAS FUCKING ON. She knows it, she knows who is doing it and she is no better than a piece of murdering TRASH. I know it and you know it. I hope one day she dies with her eyes on fire as she wished on my family. Actually I don't. I don't care if the cunt dies peacefully in her sleep. f
How Madeline must laugh.
You're such an angry man.
How I laugh.
Medical examiner: Randy "Macho Man" Savage died of heart disease
By Curtis Krueger and Luis Perez, Times Staff Writers
In Print: Friday, July 1, 2011
LARGO — Authorities have determined that former wrestling star Randy "Macho Man" Savage died of heart disease.
Savage, 58, whose real name was Randy Poffo, became unresponsive while driving his Jeep Wrangler in Seminole on May 20.
After crossing a median on Park Boulevard, the Jeep jumped a curb and crashed head-on into a tree. Savage was taken to Largo Medical Center and pronounced dead.
His wife, Barbara Poffo, a passenger in the Jeep, suffered minor injuries. Both were wearing seat belts, authorities said.
An autopsy by the Pinellas-Pasco Medical Examiner's Office revealed that Savage had an enlarged heart with severe atherosclerosis of his coronary arteries and more than 90 percent blockage. The cause of death was determined to be atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, or heart disease. The manner of death was determined to be natural.
Savage may not have known that he had heart disease, said Bill Pellan, director of investigations for the Medical Examiner's Office. There was no evidence that he was taking heart medication.
The four-page autopsy report showed he suffered only minor scrapes and bruising from the crash. But it also documented markings on the 255-pound, 6-foot-2 former wrestler's body that spoke of a life in the ring: a trail of tiny scars from his scalp and forehead to his chest, arms and legs. The report also noted "mildly deformed" knuckles.
As is routine, the Medical Examiner's Office tested Savage for evidence of drugs or alcohol. At the time of his death, he had a blood-alcohol level of 0.031, below the level at which the law presumes that someone is impaired.
Savage also had the painkiller hydrocodone in his blood. Pellan said Savage had a prescription for it and that the amount found in his blood was a "therapeutic level" that did not suggest abuse.
Curtis Krueger can be reached at ckrueger@sptimes.com or (727) 893-8232.
[Last modified: Jun 30, 2011 09:56 PM]
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Viewing 1 - 10 of 10 comments Oldest First Newest First Top Rated
Ct_jackfl Jun 30, 2011 4:31 PM Last month I just knew some moron was going to post about steroids. Give the man and his family a break and keep you comments to yourself.
"the manner of death was determined to be natural" Does it say steroids were involved dbag?
Report Abuse 6 12 snydersr50 Jun 30, 2011 5:04 PM Last month natural my foot, i bet you think wrestling is for real. Reply
Report Abuse 7 5 Allen in St Pete Jun 30, 2011 4:40 PM Last month You knew someone was going to post about steroids - well, because..steroids are bad for your organs, especially your heart. His family is not dumb, stupid, or living under a rock.
Randy seemed to be a good guy and not one of the flakes and bums that can work in that type of entertainment. Randy might even have wanted a little good - like keeping our young athletes of of steroids - to come from his premature death.
No one can bring Randy back - but maybe if one kid gets off his next cycle and stays off - or even better never starts - then something good happened out of a lot of loss and pain.
Report Abuse 0 12 snydersr50 Jun 30, 2011 5:11 PM Last month these type of entertainers don't care about the image they potry they all in it for the $$$$$$$$ look at some the wrestlers that got in to the biss in the last five years. when they first started they were 150 lbs and after a couple of years in the biss they are twice the size they were when they started, ROIDS THEY ARE ALL FAKE even in real life Reply
Report Abuse 1 2 TruthSensor Jun 30, 2011 5:21 PM Last month Well stated Allen... learn from mistakes...instead of hiding from them. Life lesson 101. Reply
Report Abuse 0 4 Davis Islands007 Jun 30, 2011 5:04 PM Last month I'm a fan.He use to drink pots not cups off coffee to get crazy in the ring.My heart races after 2 cups imagine pots.
Report Abuse 0 4 prophetk Jun 30, 2011 5:13 PM Last month He died of natural causes and did you ever see the man sure he was muscled up but not at steroid levels, that and his father would have killed him if he did that as a professional wrestler. And yes its fake save its athletic, acting and showmanship rolled into one and people do get hurt in the entertainment of wrestling that do it.
This just proved it was not a bad thing that would tarnish his memory killed him just one to many Slim Jims.
Report Abuse 0 6 reddogbluedog Jun 30, 2011 9:12 PM Last month um prophet. Think about what you wrote and then tell me if you really want to make the case that Randy didn't juice.... Reply
Report Abuse 4 0 JuicyPlayer Jun 30, 2011 5:23 PM Last month It sucks that all my favorite wrestlers are dead but people like John Cena are still around.
Report Abuse 0 2 tallguy007 Jun 30, 2011 7:27 PM Last month R.I.P.
Report Abuse 0 0 JR Dobbs Jun 30, 2011 7:43 PM Last month Medical examiner concludes that Macho Man Randy Savage's heart snapped like a Slim Jim.
Report Abuse 4 2 Rufus Jun 30, 2011 8:24 PM Last month Randy was a good man. He touched many lives. He was good at his job and helped make wrestling what it is today. RIP
Report Abuse 0 2 Jabarten Jun 30, 2011 8:47 PM Last month Actually, to tell you the truth, at least from my views, MMA has alot to owe from people like Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, the British Bulldogs, et. al., for basically promoting what MMA is now... Reply
Report Abuse 0 2 Jabarten Jun 30, 2011 8:34 PM Last month RIP Macho Man.....
Report Abuse 0 0 Spring hill nurse Jun 30, 2011 9:33 PM Last month ooook he had vicodin and alcohol in his system why the hell was he driving?
Report Abuse 3 1 Ct_jackfl Jun 30, 2011 9:42 PM Last month "blood alcohol level of 0.031" for his size that is nothing, so save that comment, as far as the drug, you can test positive eating a poppy seed bagel, he had heart failure as stated by a pro, wanna be nurse. Reply
Report Abuse 0 1 Kawliga Jun 30, 2011 11:24 PM Last month What does his size have to do with an alcohol level? Makes no sense, it's irrelevant. Reply
Report Abuse 0 0
BobbyOFromDABronx Jul 1, 2011 2:11 AM Less than a minute ago My sister died the same way. I personally believe it was the result of toxins applied to her car and/or to her car engine or radiator. In my car and only in my car and only when it has been left alone unobserved do I and others experience shortness of breath and sometimes anger. You have to open all the windows for awhile and it's still bad. If you keep someone in the car so no one can approach it (and they really have to WATCH as bikers are sneaks and pigs) the car will be fine. Also when it's under security cameras except for at westshore mall. Now you know why the mob always left a goombah with their cars. I wonder about THIS ONE too.
Report Abuse
BobbyOFromDABronx Jul 1, 2011 2:16 AM Less than a minute ago Absolutely NOTHING is wrong with my car. They did this to my previous vehicle as well. Outside SweetBay on Dale Mabry I caught a guy running from my car. He spoke street spanish and drove a maroon toyota tundra which he leaped in and drove away very very fast down the street between sbay and sonic drive in. I have an alarm on my car and it went off and I was close to the door so I looked out and set down my items and proceeded towards my vehicle. The alarm was blaring and I watched the guy run from my car. I thought I could catch him and get a better look but he drove very very fast and down a longer lane away. I got a pretty good look and he was about mid forties with dark dark short hair, slim build and hard voice. I had a camera running in my car and he discusses his activity. He was NOT STEALING he was putting som substance in my car. I had JUST PARKED IT. No one breaks into a 90's vehicle when there are many others .. plus he knew who I was because he knew to run ...
Report Abuse
BobbyOFromDABronx Jul 1, 2011 2:18 AM Less than a minute ago Oh also he opened the door very quietly. Just thought people should be aware of this activity so you don't think you are getting sick as I did when it first started. I am also suspicious of the death of Andrew "test" Martin who met the "Irish Krewe" ate a pizza and dropped dead in his twenties. Poisoned.
Report Abuse
BobbyOFromDABronx Jul 1, 2011 2:19 AM About 1 minute ago The Tundra has an extended cab and is fairly new. I have a very good picture of it and him. Sorry to comment again. Keep a good eye on your vehicles if you have this issue.
Once your wife revealed (on video) that she knew what was going on in OUR CAR and then again after Breaking Benjamin IT WAS FUCKING ON. She knows it, she knows who is doing it and she is no better than a piece of murdering TRASH. I know it and you know it. I hope one day she dies with her eyes on fire as she wished on my family. Actually I don't. I don't care if the cunt dies peacefully in her sleep. f
How Madeline must laugh.
You're such an angry man.
How I laugh.
Medical examiner: Randy "Macho Man" Savage died of heart disease
By Curtis Krueger and Luis Perez, Times Staff Writers
In Print: Friday, July 1, 2011
LARGO — Authorities have determined that former wrestling star Randy "Macho Man" Savage died of heart disease.
Savage, 58, whose real name was Randy Poffo, became unresponsive while driving his Jeep Wrangler in Seminole on May 20.
After crossing a median on Park Boulevard, the Jeep jumped a curb and crashed head-on into a tree. Savage was taken to Largo Medical Center and pronounced dead.
His wife, Barbara Poffo, a passenger in the Jeep, suffered minor injuries. Both were wearing seat belts, authorities said.
An autopsy by the Pinellas-Pasco Medical Examiner's Office revealed that Savage had an enlarged heart with severe atherosclerosis of his coronary arteries and more than 90 percent blockage. The cause of death was determined to be atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, or heart disease. The manner of death was determined to be natural.
Savage may not have known that he had heart disease, said Bill Pellan, director of investigations for the Medical Examiner's Office. There was no evidence that he was taking heart medication.
The four-page autopsy report showed he suffered only minor scrapes and bruising from the crash. But it also documented markings on the 255-pound, 6-foot-2 former wrestler's body that spoke of a life in the ring: a trail of tiny scars from his scalp and forehead to his chest, arms and legs. The report also noted "mildly deformed" knuckles.
As is routine, the Medical Examiner's Office tested Savage for evidence of drugs or alcohol. At the time of his death, he had a blood-alcohol level of 0.031, below the level at which the law presumes that someone is impaired.
Savage also had the painkiller hydrocodone in his blood. Pellan said Savage had a prescription for it and that the amount found in his blood was a "therapeutic level" that did not suggest abuse.
Curtis Krueger can be reached at ckrueger@sptimes.com or (727) 893-8232.
[Last modified: Jun 30, 2011 09:56 PM]
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Copyright 2011 St. Petersburg Times
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If you see an objectionable comment, click Report Abuse.
Viewing 1 - 10 of 10 comments Oldest First Newest First Top Rated
Ct_jackfl Jun 30, 2011 4:31 PM Last month I just knew some moron was going to post about steroids. Give the man and his family a break and keep you comments to yourself.
"the manner of death was determined to be natural" Does it say steroids were involved dbag?
Report Abuse 6 12 snydersr50 Jun 30, 2011 5:04 PM Last month natural my foot, i bet you think wrestling is for real. Reply
Report Abuse 7 5 Allen in St Pete Jun 30, 2011 4:40 PM Last month You knew someone was going to post about steroids - well, because..steroids are bad for your organs, especially your heart. His family is not dumb, stupid, or living under a rock.
Randy seemed to be a good guy and not one of the flakes and bums that can work in that type of entertainment. Randy might even have wanted a little good - like keeping our young athletes of of steroids - to come from his premature death.
No one can bring Randy back - but maybe if one kid gets off his next cycle and stays off - or even better never starts - then something good happened out of a lot of loss and pain.
Report Abuse 0 12 snydersr50 Jun 30, 2011 5:11 PM Last month these type of entertainers don't care about the image they potry they all in it for the $$$$$$$$ look at some the wrestlers that got in to the biss in the last five years. when they first started they were 150 lbs and after a couple of years in the biss they are twice the size they were when they started, ROIDS THEY ARE ALL FAKE even in real life Reply
Report Abuse 1 2 TruthSensor Jun 30, 2011 5:21 PM Last month Well stated Allen... learn from mistakes...instead of hiding from them. Life lesson 101. Reply
Report Abuse 0 4 Davis Islands007 Jun 30, 2011 5:04 PM Last month I'm a fan.He use to drink pots not cups off coffee to get crazy in the ring.My heart races after 2 cups imagine pots.
Report Abuse 0 4 prophetk Jun 30, 2011 5:13 PM Last month He died of natural causes and did you ever see the man sure he was muscled up but not at steroid levels, that and his father would have killed him if he did that as a professional wrestler. And yes its fake save its athletic, acting and showmanship rolled into one and people do get hurt in the entertainment of wrestling that do it.
This just proved it was not a bad thing that would tarnish his memory killed him just one to many Slim Jims.
Report Abuse 0 6 reddogbluedog Jun 30, 2011 9:12 PM Last month um prophet. Think about what you wrote and then tell me if you really want to make the case that Randy didn't juice.... Reply
Report Abuse 4 0 JuicyPlayer Jun 30, 2011 5:23 PM Last month It sucks that all my favorite wrestlers are dead but people like John Cena are still around.
Report Abuse 0 2 tallguy007 Jun 30, 2011 7:27 PM Last month R.I.P.
Report Abuse 0 0 JR Dobbs Jun 30, 2011 7:43 PM Last month Medical examiner concludes that Macho Man Randy Savage's heart snapped like a Slim Jim.
Report Abuse 4 2 Rufus Jun 30, 2011 8:24 PM Last month Randy was a good man. He touched many lives. He was good at his job and helped make wrestling what it is today. RIP
Report Abuse 0 2 Jabarten Jun 30, 2011 8:47 PM Last month Actually, to tell you the truth, at least from my views, MMA has alot to owe from people like Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, the British Bulldogs, et. al., for basically promoting what MMA is now... Reply
Report Abuse 0 2 Jabarten Jun 30, 2011 8:34 PM Last month RIP Macho Man.....
Report Abuse 0 0 Spring hill nurse Jun 30, 2011 9:33 PM Last month ooook he had vicodin and alcohol in his system why the hell was he driving?
Report Abuse 3 1 Ct_jackfl Jun 30, 2011 9:42 PM Last month "blood alcohol level of 0.031" for his size that is nothing, so save that comment, as far as the drug, you can test positive eating a poppy seed bagel, he had heart failure as stated by a pro, wanna be nurse. Reply
Report Abuse 0 1 Kawliga Jun 30, 2011 11:24 PM Last month What does his size have to do with an alcohol level? Makes no sense, it's irrelevant. Reply
Report Abuse 0 0
BobbyOFromDABronx Jul 1, 2011 2:11 AM Less than a minute ago My sister died the same way. I personally believe it was the result of toxins applied to her car and/or to her car engine or radiator. In my car and only in my car and only when it has been left alone unobserved do I and others experience shortness of breath and sometimes anger. You have to open all the windows for awhile and it's still bad. If you keep someone in the car so no one can approach it (and they really have to WATCH as bikers are sneaks and pigs) the car will be fine. Also when it's under security cameras except for at westshore mall. Now you know why the mob always left a goombah with their cars. I wonder about THIS ONE too.
Report Abuse
BobbyOFromDABronx Jul 1, 2011 2:16 AM Less than a minute ago Absolutely NOTHING is wrong with my car. They did this to my previous vehicle as well. Outside SweetBay on Dale Mabry I caught a guy running from my car. He spoke street spanish and drove a maroon toyota tundra which he leaped in and drove away very very fast down the street between sbay and sonic drive in. I have an alarm on my car and it went off and I was close to the door so I looked out and set down my items and proceeded towards my vehicle. The alarm was blaring and I watched the guy run from my car. I thought I could catch him and get a better look but he drove very very fast and down a longer lane away. I got a pretty good look and he was about mid forties with dark dark short hair, slim build and hard voice. I had a camera running in my car and he discusses his activity. He was NOT STEALING he was putting som substance in my car. I had JUST PARKED IT. No one breaks into a 90's vehicle when there are many others .. plus he knew who I was because he knew to run ...
Report Abuse
BobbyOFromDABronx Jul 1, 2011 2:18 AM Less than a minute ago Oh also he opened the door very quietly. Just thought people should be aware of this activity so you don't think you are getting sick as I did when it first started. I am also suspicious of the death of Andrew "test" Martin who met the "Irish Krewe" ate a pizza and dropped dead in his twenties. Poisoned.
Report Abuse
BobbyOFromDABronx Jul 1, 2011 2:19 AM About 1 minute ago The Tundra has an extended cab and is fairly new. I have a very good picture of it and him. Sorry to comment again. Keep a good eye on your vehicles if you have this issue.
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