Sunday, August 29, 2010

colin and martin and the ira and the new publix whores

wow colin... your pathetic little wife. getting stupider looking and stupider looking. She fails to impress me but that has been a constant.

I figured out through a friend what's what.

Ask shiny martin how he likes his career being in my hands??


I got that boy, too.

Yall think you a big tough gang but you're just a bunch of pussies .....

dear colin

you a tall-ish man.

why you settle for a whore????

Thursday, August 26, 2010

desperate people

raise desperate little children.

and weirdos for friends.

all of em.

hey, anthony angel delgado ...

how's that colin breen your wife on my living room sofa on video working out for you??
and then suddenly EVERYONE I SEE around my family goes to you.

One tiny little man.

How's my name sake, brother?

Raising another little gangster?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Christine's Wet Dreams

she believes they are coming true.

Here comes the regret, cunt.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

dear christine

I know you love being part of this. Luckily your trailer trash whore self started this when child was a MINOR. You specialize in NAIVE MINORS don't you?

I am going to watch you head to prison before this is over.

Mark my word.


Monday, August 16, 2010

fabrizio in massachusetts....

closing on expensive real estate .. man what are the chances of DAT???

Why don't you let chrissy in on that real estate shit, colin??

I mean I guess if I were married to her and showing signs of arsenic poisoning I probably wouldn't yknow either...

Her: Married to the mob.

YOU: Married to a serial killer.


You two deserve each other.

I notice you got your first nuptials disappeared from the google.

It's kay ... I got em stashed round here somewheres or nother.

go fuck yourself you goddamn terrorist.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Christine You FUCKING CUNT

aren't you busy enough arsenic'ing your daughter and husband and poisoning animals you have to manipulate EVERY teenager in Tampa????????????????????????????//

YOU disgusting piece of WHITE TRAILER TRASH.

You can slither up home into all the mansions your husband stole off the misery of others ALL YOU WANT.

Ya can't take the trailer out of the trailer park whore.

I know many people live in trailers that make you look like the white trash whore you ARE.

Found your boy: Lee Pallardy.


Big hammer swinging now.

Christine Breen and the IRA Carnies

I guess your whole day is MADE now.

Does your pussy get wet when you stalk people??

Cause I KNOW.

And I have watched you in action.



C U N T.

Are you using a different poison now?

Don't forget.

THAT stays in hair for a LONG time.

Not that anyone in your house BUT YOU would know.

How's that password to my laptop working out for you and your husband's partner, Robert O'Neill?

First word you said to my family, remember?

On video.

Just so ya know.

Cause it made no sense.
And yer still a big fat and getting fatter CUNT.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Anthony Angel Delgado ....

your son's gay fucking gay fuck was there, too. You know the ryan to jimmyjuicebox to lambert connection ???

The lambert boy.

Got the video.

Spreadin the love, huh?

You're too fucking stupid to run things .. I just wanted you to know I track you to it all.

So when Keller goes down you going with that motherfucking qtip. You won't do well in prison, either.


Your whore of a wife either.

Christine Breen the RUTTING LAPTOP WHORE

Dear Chrissy,

I guess you forget how you intro'd me to Annette (roberto bautiste IAD's) sister and how obvious it is and how many people I have on record admitting that she only worked at that store a SHORT TIME and how you managed to go in there and start conversation after conversation until YEAH .. LOL (don't forget I also have the portaiture)

Anyway... she ALSO was after my laptop. ON VIDEO and also left her car unlocked so one assumes one of her fatass fucked up brothers' friends could do something to it or plant something on it.


I'll eventually get to the bottom of WHY it had to make a trip to your STOLEN HOLE over there off bayshore.

But I assure you you fucking cunt.... you're going to fuck with me for only so long and then you and that faggot neighbor of yours who poisoned charlie if it wasn't YOU will be looking at life in prison.

What's his name again?

Oh yeah, Richard Scott Rodriguez.

Is that any kin of his ... LANDON who works for the sheriff's office????


So, plant away cunt.

There's a LOT of shit about me that you stupid motherfuckers don't know.


you fucking rutting fucking no good murdering, whore of a cunt.

There ya go.

Nice video I have of her leaving her car unlocked.

Not that her brother would not have a KEY anyway.

Stick it up your wide cunt whore.

Port Tampa TO SPC ...

but, there's still that mcelroy scent lingering there, yknow???


Hey Colin, I did not realize your brother moved to mass after he murdered or helped set up for murder little sarah rinaldi.

BUT I also found the other asian connection.

Thanks so much.

Looking at women who slither between the sheets with you reminds me of why I loathe most women.

Sluts and scum.

And poisoning murderers.

BTW you're a day late and a dollar short.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Colin and the Ds

Geez Colin.

Is there a SCUMBAG UNknown to you????

I got some special video today .....

You should tell your latino friends to keep their fat whores and their very disgusting range riders AWAY from me.

With any luck one of them will drive that cattle prodder car of theirs up your ass one day just as they did to the sainted Mike Roberts.

A pOS on wheels. She looks a bit like your beloved.

Or acts.

Hard to discern.

One hour of video w/ the most interesting firepig stuff on it, too.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

gad christineeee

how many hures do you KNOW? I feel the number is UNlimited.

And, the circle grows smaller for you and your kinsman.


I smell mark ober all over this one.

that ain't good.

colin is all this designed to make YOUR daughter look good and trustworthy?

That's so fucking sad.


The only thing wrong with your daughter IS YOU TWO.

She's lovely.

Despite the fact that she participates.